
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The aim of this paper is to study the impact of outdoor and indoor sources in a school environment.PM10 and PM2.5 measurements were made inside a portuguese classroom and compared with outdoor PM10 concentration to study the impact of ventilation
Coelho L.M.R., Garcia J., Gouveia C., Louro C.
The survey has been carried out in two nursery schools located in Strasbourg to quantify both the formaldehyde levels and the air change rates of three classrooms investigated two days continuously, one day with and one day without the presence o
Riberon J., Leclerc N., O'Kelly P.
That study aims at characterizing the indoor air quality, mainly in terms of VOCs in nine schools of a littoral urban area in Portugal. Measurements and results are presented.
Ventura Silva G., Martins A.O., Oliveira Fernades E., Guedes J, Vasconcelos M.T.S.D.
This paper reports the findings of a pilot field study in two naturally ventilated child-care centres. Air temperatures, air velocities, turbulence intensity and air change rates were measured. The method and the results are presented
Afshari A., Reinhold C.
That study was carried out in a general hospital ward in Hong Kong, equipped with ceiling-mixing type ventilation system to analyse the dispersion characteristics of expiratory droplets.
Wan M.P., Chao C.Y.H., Yu W.C.
There is a complex relationship within the disciplines needed to to produce and perceive architecture.
Passe U.
Three different air purification devices were investigated for that study : two photo catalytic oxydation (PCO) units and one gas-phase adsorption (GPA). The benefits of the GPA were significantly demonstrated.
Strom-Tejsen P., Zukowska D., Fang L., Space D.R., Wyon D.P.
The aim of that study was to determine the causes of Sick House Syndrome . 60 sick houses in Japan were investigated during six summer form 2000 to 2005.
Yoshino H., Netsu K., Yosshida M., Ikeda K., Nozaki A., Kakuta K., Hojo S., Yoshino H., Amano K., Ishikawa S.
For that national survey 567 French dwellings from 2003 to 2005 were investigated for IAQ measurements. The enormous collected data was associated to quality control system that operated before, during and after each measurement.
Ramalho O., Derbez M., Gregoire A., Garrigue J., Kirchner S.
Before conducting data analysis, the data collected through questionnaires must be validated. The three steps of that validation procedure are presented in this paper.
Ramalho O., Derbez M., Gregoire A., Garrigue J., Kirchner S.
This study explores the role and significance of the physical and psychosocial work environment in explaining Sick Building Syndrome.
Marmot A.F., Eley J., Stafford M., Stansfeld S.A., Warwick E., Marmot M.G.
The feasibility of achieving ultra low respirable suspended particulates (RSP) in commercial offices without major modification of existing ventilation systems by enhancing the particulates removal effiiency of existing central ventilation syste
Lam K.S., Chan F.S., Fung W.Y., Lui B.S.S., Lau L.W.L.
That study has demonstrated that sensory evaluation is an effective tool for evaluating the impact of sorption on the acceptability of indoor air.
Sakr W., Weschler C.J., Fanger P.O.
Finding an effective ventilation system that can contribute to minimizing the airborne transmission of infectious diseases in hospital wards at relatively lower cost was the aim of that study.
Qian H., Li Y., Nielsen P.V., Hyldgaard C.E., Wong T.W., Chwang A.T.Y.
This study developed a CFD technique to investigate indoor airflow patterns combined with PM1, PM2.5, PM10 removal ability in ventilated multi-room buildings.The simulated results showed that coarse particles were easier to be removed out of the b
Chang T.J., Hsieh Y.F., Kao H.M.
Ozone has direct, and adverse effects on human health.
Tamas G., Weschler C.J., Toftum J., Fanger P.O.
In that study sampling methods for airborne endotoxin are compared in order to find a standard method .
Kujundzic E., Hernandez M., Miller S.L.
Large spaces often have different usage requirements in the different parts of the room, and the ventilation system is rarely suited to obtain separate conditions in those spaces.
Schaelin A.
A Task Ambient Conditioning (TAC) system has been adopted in a low-storey building of 20,000 m2 floor area in Tokyo suburb.
Sasaki M., Yanai T., Akimoto T., Genma T., Amai H., Tanabe S.
The main aim of the SOLANOVA project was to transfer the know-how of ultra low energy and passive houses to a sustainable retrofit of the huge stock of obsolete panel buildings in Eastern Europe.
Hermelink A.
