
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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To vent or not to vent attics or roofs is a design and construction choice, not a requirement determined by physics or by building codes.
Lstiburek J.
A new method developed for automatic detection of refrigerant leakage in distributed refrigeration system, is presented in this paper.
Assawamartbunlue K., Brandemuehl M.J.
A robust Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) strategy for centrifugal chillers is presented in this paper along with its validation using both laboratory data from ASHRAE RP-1043 and field data from a centrifugal chiller in a real building.
Shengwei Wang., Jingtan Cui
In this paper, a method for adjusting refrigerant charge is presented. it uses a charge correction equation that requires data for two operating points for parameter tuning.
Shen B., Braun J.E
The aim of this study was to develop a theoretical method to calculate the effectiveness of Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) with condensation from primary airflow.For this study, a set of analytical equations has been developed , to calculate
Hongxing Yang, Chengqin Ren, Ping Cui
An overview of the standards developed under the EU mandate to CEN is presented in this paper.Some information on the CEN standardisation work is given along with information on how to participate and where to retrieve the information.
Hogeling H.
This paper gives some rules for the design of commercial kitchens concerning thermal comfort, heat exhaust, cooling systems, capture and containment of effluents .
Clark J.
This paper discusses the impact of indoor air on people at home, at school and at the office . The methods that can provide large improvements of IAQ while saving energy are also presented.
Fanger Ole P.
From the epidemiological point of view, the main pathway to infection spread is airborne transport.
Morawska L.
The influence of three airflows (constant airflow, simulated natural airflow and sinusoidal airflow) on thermal comfort was studied in this paper.Their different fluctuation characteristics were used to conduct experiments on human thermal respons
Zhou X., Ouyang Q., Lin G., Zhu Y.
This paper presents a simple and indirect method to consider the influence of persons' movements on contaminant transport in an operating room. The movements have been modeled by CFD.
Brohus H., Balling K.D., Jeppesen D.
Nine patients and 34 buildings (homes, various shops, offices, a library, hospital departments and sport centers) were included in that study.
Sunesson A.L., Rosen I., Stenberg B., Sjöström M.
For that study, a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was made : It concerned 2031 occupants of 11 naturally ventilated and 11 mechanically ventilated office buildings.The results of that questionnaire showed a strong need for improving IAQ, t
Pejtersen J., Allermann L., Kristensen T.S., Poulsen O.M.
This paper describes the case of the Ecole du Tournant in the province of Quebec. This school is greenhouse gas free and is 80 % more energy efficient than a similar school built according to the Model National Energy Code for Building (MNECB).
Harouni R., Nichols L., Jean-Louis M.J.
A high school of The Blue Valley School District located in Kansas city had a history of complaints about poor IAQ that was not conducive to learning. A study was carried out to provide a superior IAQ and to reduce annual utility costs.
Megerson J.E., Torline C.
This paper advises the use of Standard 62 IAQ procedure to calculate the required outside air with air-cleaning systems to clean gasses, vapors and to improve the removal of particulates.
Johnson P.F.
This paper sums up how to use CO2-Based DCV with standard 62.1-2004 from a theoretical standpoint.
Taylor S.T.
In this paper the performance of a computer simulation code for modeling direct evaporative cooling by water spray vaporization is evaluated.
Da Silva A.C.S.B., Lamberts R.
Many of the dedicated outdoor air systems designed and installed today are suboptimal. The aim of this paper is to discuss the ways to optimize their design in order to lower both their installed cost and energy use.
Murphy J.
For that study , an indoor contaminant behavior prediction method has been developed. The contaminant model has been integrated within the whole building simulation environment ESP-r, then validation studies were conducted.
Aizaz A.S., Strachan P.
