
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In a naturally ventilated flat, indoor and outdoor characteristics of particulate matter (PM) were studied .In that aim PM concentrations were measured in winter and summer. The results and their analysis are presented.
Brani M., Hovorka J., Ezacova P., Domasova M., Lazaridis M.
A typical office building in Honk Kong was used to study the effect of air supply temperature on the performance of displacement ventilation. That system appears to provide acceptable thermal comfort at certain air supply temperatures.
Zhang Lin, chow T.T., Tsang C.F., Chan L.S., Fong K.F.
The aim of that study was to establish a methodology to quantify the ozone emission rate from electronic air cleaners, along with the ozone decay parameter. For that experiment 3 different portable ionisation-type air cleaners were used .
Tung T.C.W, Niu J.L., Burnett J., Hung K.
One strategy to secure the release of hostages held by terrorists, is to release an anaesthetic agent through the ventilation system. But it is not so easy to apply.
Xianting Li, Jianrong Yang, Wei Sun
Ventilation rates and main parameters related to IAQ have been tested in some office buildings and residential houses whom occupants complained about the bad indoor air quality.
Jiang Liu, Guang-quan Liu
Thanks to a right air filtration strategy a good IAQ does not have to cost more. Advances in air filtration allow the development of systems that provide superior IAQ with a reduction of energy costs.
Matela D.
In USA, after the 2001 bioterrorist attack, filtration efficiencies have been evaluated at three US. Postal Service (USPS) facilities.
Martin S.B. Jr, Beamer B.R., Moyer E.S.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of a portable high efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filtration unit to reduce MRSA environmental surface contamination within a clinical setting, was the aim of this paper.
T.C. Boswell, Fox P.C.
The airflow interactions that take place between components in louvered ventilators have been investigated in a series of laboratory experiments and described in this paper.
Sharples S.,, Chilengwe N.
The aim of this paper is to study the interactive phenomena in buoancy-induced natural ventilation in a full-scale enclosure , with upper and lower openings on one of the sidewalls.
Haslavsky V., Tanny J., Teitel M.
Gaussian-type dispersion models are currently used in most local authorities in UK, for the prediction of the air quality in urban areas.
Mumovic D., Crowther J.M., Stevanovic Z.
The results of an interdisciplinary investigation of the thermal environment and the space heating in 20 low-energy terraced houses are presented in this paper.
Isaksson C., Karlsson F.
A thermal comfort study is presented in this paper, a thermal manikin with a female body and 26 individually heated and controlled body segments is used in a field environment chamber.
Cheong K.W.D., Yu W.J., Kosonen R., Tham K.W., Sekhar S.C.
Multizone models have already been developed to predict airflow and pollutant transport between rooms , and zonal models too to calculate airflow and temperature distribution within single rooms.For that study, a zonal model has been placed wit
Stewart J., Ren Z.
The aim of that study is to evaluate the influence of temperature gradient and room air temperature (at 0.6 m height) on percieved air quality and Sick Building Syndrome in DV environment.
Cheong K.W.D., Yu W.J., Tham K.W., Sekhar S.C., Kosonen R.
This paper deals with the cooling of air in raised-floor data centers mainly used for housing computer and telecommunication equipment.
Karki K.C., Patankar S.V.
For that study, a simple theoretical model has been developed for the prediction of the time taken to flush neutrally-buoyant pollutants from a naturally ventilated room. The flow is driven by localised heat inputs.
Hunt G.R., Kaye N.B.
The new concept using continuous unipolar ion emission has proved its efficiency on facepiece respirators. So it has been applied to conventional HVAC filters, and the laboratory study demonstrates that it works well too.
Agranovski I.E., Huang R., Pyankov O.V.
This paper is an analysis of the measured outdoor air ventilation rates from the US EPABASE study that involved indoor environmental measurements, including ventilation, in 100 US office building using a standardized protocol.
Persily A.K., Gorfain J., Brunner G.
A continuous monitoring of air quality parameters in 85 classrooms in Minnesota during one year has been done. Monthly reports of results helped the school personnel in planning and improving air quality when necessary.
Grimsrud D., Bridges B., .Schulte R.
