
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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96 apartment buildings and 64 office buildings were investigated for that survey in correlation with the european HOPE project. Occupants answered questionnaires to determine their satisfaction about comfort and health.
Roulet C.A., Johner N., Foradini F.
A methodology is proposed to perform a multicriteria analysis of health, comfort and energy efficiency in buildings. That methodology is applied to a sample of 64 office buildings and 96 apartment buildings.
Roulet C.A., Flourentzou F., Foradini F.
For the numerical analysis of particle deposition velocity and deposited particle mass flux in the ventilation duct, CFD has been adopted.
Zhai B., Chen JJ.
This paper discusses a procedure of building calibration for indoor air quality management. The aim is to set the mimimum fresh air quantity in function of the indoor pollutant concentrations rather than metabolic carbon dioxide.
Mui K.W., Chan W.T.
The steady-state distribution of contaminant concentrations in a workroom depends on several factors, among them the types of air inlets and exhausts and their relative position.
Khan J.A., Feigley C.E., Lee E., Ahmed M.R., Tamanna S.
During winter 2000-2001, a field study was performed to investigate the thermal environment and the thermal comfort in residential buildings in Harbin, China. 120 participants answered subjective questionnaires and provided sets of physical data.
Wang Z.
CFD has been applied to calculate the flow in a kitchen hood system at operating conditions.
Abanto J., Reggio M.
For that study a CFD steady state computational model of a public transport interchange (PTI) in Hong Kong has been used for the investigation and prediction of the typical pollutant emission pattern for buses.
Lin Z., Jiang F., Chow T.T., Tsang C.F., Lu W.Z.
The differences and similarities between natural and mechanical wind in built environment are the subject of this paper. In that aim, a spectral analysis is applied to study the natural and mechanical wind characteristics in different conditions.
Ouyang Q., Dai W., Li H., Zhu Y.
This study aims at checking the viability of natural ventilation in urban environment, especially in street canyons. Reduced wind velocity, urban heat island, noise, pollution are barriers for a natural ventilation in town.
Ghiaus C., Allard F., Santamouris M., Georgakis C., Nicol F.
For the evaluation of IAQ in ventilated rooms, local mean age of air is an important index.To model the spatial-temporal mass distribution in an imperfectly mixed forced ventilated installation, a data-based mechanistic approach was used.
Buggenhout S.V, Desta T.Z., Van Brecht A., Vranken E., Quanten S, Van Malcot W., Berckmans D
The examination of the effects of cross-ventilation when a porous hedge is placed ahead of a residential building is presented in this paper.
Chang W.R.
This study reveals the effects that porous residential buildings have on the natural ventilation performance and on the cooling load reduction too.
Hirano T., Kato S., Murakami S., Ikaga T., Shiraishi Y.
The investigation of natural ventilation with the software package COMIS (Conjunction of Multizone Infiltration Specialists) in a typical building in Serbia was the aim of that study.
Bojic M., Kostic S.
At a point-source release, point-wise concentrations may greatly exceed the well-mixed conditions.
Richmond-Bryant J., Eisner A.D., Brixey L.A., Wiener R.W.
The authors take the historic centre in Portugal as a case study.
Lourenço P.B., Luso E., Almeida M.G.
Here is presented a detailed evaluation of different modelling approaches for the prediction of CO2 levels in occupied spaces for small, single-zone commercial buildings that use packaged air-conditioning equipment.
Lauwrence T.M., Braun J.E.
The authors carried out a study on ventilation systems working in the cul-de-sac of a coal mine. In a real mine gallery, measurements were made with a hot-wire anemometry and then used for the validation of a numerical model.
Parra M.T., Villafruela J.M., Castro F., Mendez C.
For the investigation of airflow and pollutant distribution in the isolation room of a hospital, objective measurements and CFD modelling based on three ventilation strategies have been carried out.
Cheong K.W.D., Phua S.Y.
Field measurements and thermal comfort survey were carried out to evaluate the thermal comfort perceptions of a Hong Kong hawker center.
Wong N.H., Song J., Istiadji A.D.
