
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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in that study the extent to which US schools are implementing IAQ programs is analyzed. It appears that having a program is not equivalent to implementing effective IAQ policies and procedures.
Moglia D., Smith A., Macintosh D.L., Somers J.L.
In this paper, the author examines the contributions of indoor exposures to ozone and its ozone-initiated oxidation products to ozone's overall impact on public health.
Weschler C.J.
Air handling units must be added in typical HVAC systems to remove indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The aim of that paper is to investigate the VOC removal efficiency of a photocatalytic filter in a HVAC system.
Yu K.P., Lee G.W.M., Huang W.M., Wu C.C., Lou C.L.
The aim of that paper is the analysis of the airflow field and pressure distribution of standard mechanical interface (SMIF) enclosure in the semiconductor factory cleanroom on the one hand and the investigation of the air cleanliness inside the
Ma R.H.
Though there is a developing interest in achieving low-energy, naturally ventilated, non-domestic buildings in order to achieve reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, those two case studies demonstrate that local authority Building Control Depar
Short C.A., Whittle G.E., Owarish M.
That research project of the CFD Lab of the University of Tennessee in collaboration with the civil aerospace medical institute (CAMI) of the Federal Aviation Administration aimed at validating the CFD prediction of the ECS-generated ventilatio
Baker A.J., ericson S.C;, Orzechowski J.A., Wong K.L., Garner R.P.
Minienvironments systems are reported to provide effective containment for critical contamination control. But prior to that study, little information was published or available to quantify the energy performance of such systems.
Xu T.
For that study, a model was developed to simulate adsorption and desorption of multicomponent organic compounds in a charcoal filter and to predict its lifetime.
Akiyama T., Takahashi H., Gomi H., Takahashi A., Takada H.
For that study, six different types of in-room air cleaners (ACs) were investigated. Their ability to remove and/or inactivate airborne bacteria and fungal spores has been quantified.
Kujundzic E., Matalkah F., Howard C.J., Hernandez M., Miller S.L.
This paper deals with a CFD study of containment of airborne hazardous materials in a ventilated room containing a downdraft table.
JJayaraman B., Kristoffersen A.H., Finlayson E.U., Gadgil A.J.
For that study, the dispersion of airborne contaminants in a work environment has been tested with physical measurements, and the data collected has been compared to CFD simulations coupled with mathematical evaporation models.
Salim S.M., Viswanathan S., Ray M.B.
This paper is a review of the existing methods and techniques that allow the reproduction in laboratory of the real behaviour of filters, mainly the electret filters.
Ginestet A., Pugnet D.
The flow field of industrial ventilation hood induced by the combination of extract-flow and crosswind is affected by the oblique angle of the hood's set-up.
Tsai F.C;, Hsieh R.H.
Casting fumes lower the air quality in foundries. So a local ventilation solution for the mould casting area was designed and dimensioned with CFD calculations. The most efficient solution appears to be a push-pull ventilation system.
Kulmama I., Hynynen P., Welling I., Säämänen A.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the restrictions of the Finnish Tobacco Act, concentrations of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) have been measured before and after the amended Act entered into force.
Johnsson T, Tuomi T., Riuttala H., Hyvärinen M., Rothberg M. , Reijula K.
The aim of that paper is to study the effectiveness of building air handling units (AHUs) in serving high volume sampling devices for airborne bacteria and viruses.
Farnsworth J.E., Goyal S.M., Kim S.W., Kuehn T.H., Raynor P.C., Ramakrishnan M.A., Anantharaman S., Tang W.
The Swedish navy has operated submarines equipped with air independent propulsion that can stay submerged for long periods. The aim of that study is to investigate the air quality wtihin those submarines during the long periods of submersion.
Persson O., Ostberg C, Pagels J., Sebastian A.
This paper presents the development of an updated approach to determine simultaneously the effective air exchange rates (AERs) , the interzonal flows, and VOC concentrations over long and representative test periods.
Batterman S., Jia C., Hatzivasilis G., Godwin C.
Essential oils are one means to prevent microbial development, and are low in toxicity.
Goel A., Vahekeni N., Roulet C.A.
The new REHVA guidebook is presented in this paper. Written by an international group of experts.
Wargocki P., Seppänen O., Anderson J., Boerstra A., Clements-Croome D., Fitzner K., Hanssen S.O.
