
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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One of the greatest threats for buildings is the possibility of changes in the building materials’ properties because of the penetration and residence of moisture it them.
Papadopoulos, A.M.; Karamanos, A.; Hadiarakou, S.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and emissions frombuilding materials have been over the last decadesa major challenge for scientists, industryand consumers.
Kephalopoulos, S.; Koistinen, K.; Kotzias, D.
The present paper presents a method to characterizethe typical building from a group by applyingprincipal components analysis (PCA).The method has been developed on a sampleof secondary education school buildings inGreece.
Lehmann, C.; Gaitani, N.; Santamouris, M.
Benchmarking is a management approach toidentify best practices, find reasons of successand develop recommendations and implementationfor improvement. Method of building energyperformance benchmarking is discussed inthis paper.
Sun, H.; Lee, S.E.; Priyadarsini, R.M.T.; Wu, X.; Chia, Y.; Majid, H.-S.
Water, wind, light and mechanical effects do notonly play a role in complex engineered constructionsystems, but can also be basis for thedevelopment of construction products itself.Two examples will show how phenomenumsfound in nature have been tr
Rouni, G.K.; Kirn, M.
During the last decades, it has been observedthat the annual electricity consumption rose, especiallyduring the summer periods.
Papageorgiou, K.P.; Anastaselos, D.; Papadopoulos, A.M.
The heat island effect is becoming increasinglymore intense in urban areas causing thermal discomfort,increased energy demand and acceleratingthe formation of harmful smog.
Synnefa, A.; Dandou, A.; Santamouris, M.; Tombrou, M.
The use of Means of Transportation oftentimescreates problems that concern the waiting in thebus - stops and the discomfort of passengers dueto bad weather conditions.In order to tackle this problem a research wasconducted, which showed that a pos
Kottis, J.; Primikiri, E.
In the modern society term ‘energy consumer’ refers in small scale consumers. This is a quick conclusion that leads to erroneous categorisation of consumers of electric energy.
Sakkas, K.
The architectural programme of educationalbuildings provides excellent opportunities forapplying environmentally sustainable designstrategies.
Mavrogianni, A.; Tsoukatou, M.
The most important problem for a buildingnowadays is the energy and how someone canachieve to reserve it.
Sakkas, A.
Within the framework of EPBD and as a part ofa wider initiative to reduce energy consumptiona holistic and more complete approach is requiredfor buildings evaluation.
Papadopoulos, A.M.; Giama, E.
Nowadays, the necessity for the reservation ofcomfortable living conditions as well as energyefficiency in the buildings sector is more andmore emerging.
Iatropoulos, K.; Doukas, H.; Patlizianas, D.K.; Psarras, J.; Tourlis, N.; Louizidis, S.
All habitable spaces must provide the visual andthermal comfort, in order to give the inhabitantsa living in a pleasant environment (Naturallighting, heating and cooling).
Dimitropoulou, E.; Primikiri, E.
The present paper describes the developmentand the specifications of a software package thatdelivers useful information on scientific topics,bibliography, achievements and activities relatedto the area of renewable energy sourcesand energy managem
Christias, P.N.; Kolokotsa, D.
Summer the corridors of the house are filled with a boiling hot lava, the heat that’s exhausting, sweaty look and the minimal clothes that I wear are stuck on my skin and in my ears the intolerable n
Bitrou, M.
This paper attempts to organise examples ofbuilding features for air cooling in historical architecturein categories based on the manner inwhich the air is channelled in or through thebuilding.
Saranti, K.
The present work is part of a student projectperformed at the School of Architecture at theUniversity of Patras, Greece and summarizesand discusses principles and design concepts forbuilding integrated photovoltaics.
Tripanagnostopoulou, M.
Since ancient times man has always tried tocontrol the environment in which he lived. Principlesof environmental building design wheredeveloped over the centuries mostly by trial anderror.
Tzinieris, S.
New types of solar energy systems and smallwind turbines efficient in energy conversion andof advanced aesthetics are presented.
Tripanagnostopoulos, Y.
