
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive(EPBD) lays down requirements as regards:- the general framework for a methodology ofcalculation of the integrated energy performanceof buildings;- the application of minimum requirements onthe energy p
Wouters, P.; Langendries, D.; van Dijk, D.; Spiekman, M.
The increase of living standards in buildings andhigh summer maximum air-temperature valuesduring the last years have increased the installationof A/C in buildings.
Livada, I.; Santamouris, M.; Assimakopoulos, M.N.
Art does never just copy nature. There existsalways a transcendental added value due to theintervention of the artist himself. In some formsof art, such as in painting or sculpture this ismore obvious.
Tombazis, A.N.
In this paper we are introducing the first versionof COMFORT-EX, a computational tool, with afriendly interface, developed in Java languageand visible from any computer with an Internetbrowser.
Ochoa, J.; Marincic, I.
In urban areas, main air flows from prevailing winds are strongly modified, depending on constructions’ morphology and urban microclimate’s effects.
Bozonnet, E.; Belarbi, R.; Allard, F.
In the framework of the European program of»Polis", an extensive network of 27 selfregistering stations, which were recording air temperatures inside the urban environment of the city of Athens for a time period of two years, from August 1996 unti
Papanikolaou, N.M.; Santamouris, M.; Livada, I.
In this work, the heat island effect is studied forthe coastal town of Patras. For this purpose, aset of 13 data loggers, have been placed, in chosenrepresentative locations, to monitor ambientair temperature variations.
Caouris, Y.G.; Giannopoulos, A.
Linking artificial lighting with daylight requiresthe presence of controls and censors for eachroom. Apart from the energy saving producedthough, this can have significant initial cost implicationsfor the user.
Stravoravdis, S.
The energy consumption matter for the buildingsector has come up again urgently looking forstandards, measures, policies and best practices.That is because building sector have direct impactboth on energy consumption and environment(cooling, heati
Rouni, G.K.; Kirn, M.
Thermal evaluation of buildings involves differentvariables and parameters.
Marincic, I.; Ochoa, J.M.; Alpuche, M.G.; Del Rio, J.A.
Building sector is accounting for a significantand increasing part of the worldwide energyconsumption and is responsible for importantgreenhouse gas emissions.
Pouffary, S.
In 2001 two twin residential buildings wereerected in Milan, each hosting around 50 apartmentson 6 floors.
Ruggieri, R.; Zangheri, P.; Pagliano, L.; Pangrazzi, S.; Piardi, S.
This document describes the solutions of architectural integration incorporated to Isofoton’s new factory, located in Andalucia Technological Park, in Malaga, Spain (latitude 36,7 Nº); which started to work in the middle of 2005.
Bauso, V.; Arribas, F.; Vega, J.; Eyras, R.
Using renewable energy sources (RES) in buildingsector is already an issue of major importancedue to fuel overpricing, world populationgrowth and residential energy consumption increment.Besides, the observance of protocol ofKyoto and European Com
Karteris, M.M.; Papageorgiou, K.P.; Papadopoulos, A.M.
This study is based on the analysis of approximately1000 questionnaires, which include informationabout the incomes, the oil and electricityconsumptions as well as characteristicslinked to the type, the size, the existing thermalinsulation materia
Assimakopoulos, M.N.; Korres, D.; Santamouris, M.; Livada, I.
The present paper presents the results of the energyand environmental evaluation of ten schoolbuildings in the Greater Athens Area.
Gaitani, N.; Mihalakakou, G.; Santamouris, M.; Papaglastra, M.; Assimakopoulos, M.N.; Sfakianaki, K.; Pavlou, K.; Doukas, P.; Korres, D.
The fast and uncontrolled emergence of a will topromote sustainable development in the field ofbuilding construction generates new requirementsfor urban development.
Cherqui, F.; Mora, L.; Allard, F.; Wurtz, E.
This paper introduces a new approach for theprediction of hourly energy consumption inbuildings.
Karatasou, S.; Santamouris, M.; Geros, V.
The primary aim of the EP label project is to facilitate the implementation of article 7.3 of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – the display of energy certificates by public buildings – by developing a harmonized methodology
Papaglastra, M.; Santamouris, M.; Cohen, R.; Jones, G.; Bordass, W.; Field, J.; Therburg, I.; Weismann, J.; Kofoed, N.U.; Rasmussen, H.; Jagemar, L.; Neijmans, N.; Wouters, P.; Hernandez, P.; Rigby, M.; Lewis, O.; Brophy, V.; Jaarto, P.; Aho, I.; Boonstra
Developments in the construction sector of acountry consist of an unbreakable part of thechanges that take place in its energy sector.
Papageorgiou, K.P.; Papadopoulos, A.M.; Kallergis, N.P.
