
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The main trend in developmental theoriesnowadays is the Sustainable Development theorythat sets environmental protection as a prerequisitefor economical growth. This approachwas established in the conference held in Rio,Brazil in 1992.
Makrigiannis, G.; Theoharatos, G.; Mavrakis, A.
The aim of the Pythagoras project is the developmentand assessment of Greek national trainingmaterial in the sector of indoor environmentalquality.
Papaglastra, M.; Santamouris, M.; Mouriki, E.; Mihalakakou, G.; Matthopoulos, D.; Deligiannakis, I.; Tsezos, V.; Doulka, E.; Geranios, A.; Papadopoulos, A.; Giama, E.; Aristotelis, A.; Stravakakis, G.; Nicolaou, T.; Kolokotsa, D.
This paper presents an indoor environment andenergy management system for microclimatecontrol of greenhouses.
Saridakis, G.; Kolokotsa, D.; Dolianitis, S.
Undeniably the natural environment has greataffect to the quality of living in a space. Formany years people have been seriously takingunder consideration the environmental conditionsof each area in the construction of theirresidences.
Strikou, A.
In 1999, the State of California initiated thedesign of its largest office-building complex.The State Legislature mandated that thiscomplex exceed the states energy code in effectat the time by at least 30% as well as beconstructed as an example o
Alevantis, L.E.; Miller, R.; Waldman, J.M.; Levin, H.; Mudarri, D.
Natural ventilation in ancient building proposesand introduces some strategies for the modernarchitecture while representing the natural ventilationas a sustainable cooling system in traditionalIranian architecture.A sustainable development which
Mahmoudi Zarandi, M.
The design for the new University of Cypruscampus is being developed in a series of sixcompetitions, paralleling the six "phases" ofconstruction.
Serghides, D.K.
The paper is structured around the outcomes of the SB05MED International Conference entitled “Sustainable Construction: Action for sustainability in the Mediterranean region”, held in Athens, in June 2005.
Kyvelou, S.; Bidou, D.
Some regions of Mexico have recently increasedtheir population significantly, due tolocally economical growths. Because of thissituation, an accelerated growth in the constructionof certain type of economic dwellingstakes place.
Alpuche, M.G.; Marincic, I.; Ochoa, J.M.
The interaction of turbulent plumes is examined in the context of building ventilation flows. Recent models for natural ventilation have been based on simplified treatment of the heat sources in a ventilated enclosure.
Linden PF., Kaye LNB.
The basis for room air distribution solutions in ventilating and air conditioning rooms is the calculation of velocities in air jets from supply outlets. To calculate velocities, the C-value of the air outlets must be known.
Janotkova E., Pavelek M.
Wind approaching a building provided with openings on the windward and leeward sides has a choice, either it flows through the openings or flows around and above the building.
Kobayashi T., Sagara K., Yamanaka T., Kotani H. , Sandberg M.
CFD modelling techniques have been used to simulate the coupled external and internal flow in a cubic building with two dominant openings.
Yang T., Wright NG., Etheridge DW., Quinn AD.
This paper deals with tomographic techniques for two-dimensional spatially resolved concentrationmeasurements indoors. This represents a significant advance over the traditional point measuring method for mapping tracer gas and pollutants.
Cehlin M. , Sandberg M.
A method for estimating the time-varying intensity of emitting sources of a gaseous contaminant inventilated enclosures is proposed in this numerical study.
Girault M., Maillet D., Fontaine JR., Braconnier R., Bonthoux F.
Chenvidyakarn et al (2004a) investigated the natural ventilation of an occupied open-plan space, which was connected to an exterior through two stacks and a low-level vent.
Chenvidyakarn T.
A wind catcher/tower natural ventilation system was installed in a seminar room in the building of theSchool of Construction Management and Engineering, the University of Reading in the UK.
Elmualim A.A.
The present Ventilation Information Paper aims to present the basic knowledge on the use of earth to air heat exchangers. The increased need for air conditioning has made alternative passive and hybrid cooling techniques very attractive.
Santamouris M.
Ventilation standards and guidelines typically treat ventilation as a constant and specify its value.
Sherman M.H.
There is a wide range of factors that influence natural ventilation. The uncertainties arising from theunpredictable nature of wind lead to the need to account for periods of time when winds are unable to provide indoor summer comfort.
Aynsley R.
