
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The aim of that paper was to study the energy loss related to air leakage in duct systems. The leakage measurement setup was produced according t NEN-EN standards and the evaluation of data has been conducted by using power law model.
Aydin C., Ozerdem B.
The results of the Ashrae methodology for thermal comfort study , applied in Taiwan, are presented in that paper. The field experiments were conducted in 10 naturally ventilated and 26 air-conditioned classrooms.
Hwang R.L., Lin T.P., Kuo N.J.
A numerical procedure, based on the coupling of two types of modeling (CFD simulation and dynamic cooling load simulation) is proposed in this article to predict annual energy consumption of the underfloor air distribution system.
Xu H., Niu J.
For that study, personal and area samplings were conducted in 7 photocopy centers during summer and winter seasons in Taiwan. IAQ was investigated to evaluate the human health risk following inhalation exposure.
Lee C.W, Dai Y.T, Chien C.H., Hsu D.J
For that paper, the literature on the effects of indoor environment on health and performance has been reviewed and existing data has been used, when possible, to develop some initial models.
Seppänen O.A., Fisk W.
To investigate the potential energy and indoor environmental performance of natural and hybrid ventilation alternatives in low-to mid-rise US commercial buildings in a variety of US climates was the aim of that study.
Emmerich S.J.
For that study, an improved plum multilayer model was developed and validated to represent thermal transport in enclosures conditioned by radiant cooling and displacement ventilation systems.
Ayoub M., Ghaddar N., Ghali K.
This paper frist reviews current and potential ventilation technologies (mechanical, natural, and passive) for residential buildings particularly for construction on North American climates.
Russell M., Sherman M., Rudd A.
A coupled multizone-CFD program has been developed for that study with the aim to improve the multizone model by applying a CFD model to the poorly mixed zones and the multizone model to the remaining zones.
Wang L., Chen Q.
For that study, two independent field experiments were carried out in shool classrooms. The air temperature was modified either by operating or idling split cooling units installed in that aim.
Wargocki P., Wyon D.P.
For that study, two independent field experiments were carried out in mechanically ventilated shool classrooms receiving 100 % outdoor air. Outdoor air supply rate and filter condition were manipulated to modify IAQ.
Wargocki P., Wyon D.P.
For that study, the Wells-Riley equation for modelling airborne infection in indoor environments is incorporated into a SEIR epidemic model - with a short incubation period - to simulate the transmission dynamics of airborne infectious diseases in
Noakes C.J., Beggs C.B., Sleigh A., Kerr K.G.
On a prototype system for local air-conditioning named personal microclimate system (PERMICS), ventilation effectiveness was measured.
Muhic S., Butala V.
For that study, the determination of concentration of nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde has been carried out in 96 homes in Quebec city.
Gibert N.L., Gauvin D., Guay M., Heroux M.E., Dupuis G., Legris M., Chan C.C., Dietz R.N., Levesque B.
Fire and smoke movement quantitative data cannot be obtained directly from a building fire accident. To obtain a great deal of information for fire study, computational methods are used.
Lin C.S., Wang S.C., Hung C.B., Hsu J.H.
The aim of this paper is to present parameters of a new design code, which is intended to control the indoor air environment for sports buildings in China.
Ma X., Jian Y., Cao Y.
The aim of that paper was to provide input data to design and energy performance calculations of buildings and ventilation, heating, cooling and lighting systems.
Olesen B.W., Seppanen O., Boerstra A.
This paper presents a comparison of CFD predictions, using the large eddy simulation model (LES), with experimental data obtained with the particle image velocimetry technique (PIV).
Lin C.H., Wu T.T., Horstman R.H., Lebbin P.A., Hosni M.H., Jones B.W., Beck B.T.
A numerical study has been done to determine the effect of the perimeter heating load on the air diffusion performance iindex (ADPI) of an air diffuser for different air flow rates and different heating loads.
Kang S.Y., Lee S.C, Yoo H., Lee J.H.
This article deals with the perception of locally applied airflow from personalized ventilation air terminal devices by tropically acclimatized people.
Gong N., Tham KW, Melikov AK, Wyon DP, Sekhar SC, Cheong DKW
