
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This article is part of the VENT DIS.COURSE project funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme whose aim was to improve energy efficiency in buildings by directly transferring existing knowledge.
This article is part of the VENT DIS.COURSE project funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme whose aim was to improve energy efficiency in buildings by directly transferring existing knowledge.
This paper presents the EULEB project whose aim is to supply information to architects and engineers throughout Europe and beyond it.
A visual ventilation guiding device for instant estimation of indoor air quality has been developed for that study.
Weis N., Siemers U., Kopiske G.
For that study, site measurements have been carried out on two different sites in vacant residential building blocks in Hong Kong to collect radon levels contained in the air within the buildings.
Chan E.H.W., Wong W.S., Cheung A.A.C., Lee G.K.L.
For that study a model on the thermal storage of the indoor goods was set up, then based on the thermal balance of the whole room, the temperature change model was founded.
Zhao J.N., Wang Z.J.
This paper proposes a multil-input multi-output (MIMO) controller that control temperature and ventilation for multiple zones in a building with a model predictive control strategy (MPC).
Yuan S., Perez R.
For that study, a comparison of the energy use of a floor-supply displacement ventilation system in a large industrial workshop with that of a mixing ventilation system is made for five US climate regions.
Lau J., Chen Q.
For that study, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol concentrations have been measured inside and outside 99 rooms of 42 non-domestic buildings in Nagoya, with no significant correlation.
sakai K, Kamijima M., shibata E., Ohno H., Nakajima T.
In this paper, the effect of inclination of absorber on the airflow rate has been investigated in a solar induced ventilation system using roof solar chimney (RSC) concept.
Mathur J., Mathru S., Anupma
In this paper, for the calculation of the convection flow, the influence of the cooking process is taken into account, the actual measured plume characteristics of typical kitchen appliances are presented during cooking mode.
Kosonen R., Koskela H., Saarinen P.
Optimizing the building energy efficiency in tropical climates by reducing the period of air-conditioning thanks to natural ventilation and a better bioclimatic design is the aim of that paper. A new modelling approach is proposed.
Bastide A., Lauret P., Garde F., Boyer H.
For the investigation of the velocity and temperature fields in a mechanically ventilated enclosure, a full-scale experimental and CFD methods are used.
Kuznik F., Rusaouën G., Hohota R.
The potential use of natural ventilation as a passive cooling system in new building designs in a Turkish midsize city, Kayseri, was investigated by CFD, using the Fluent 6.2.
Ayata T., Yildiz O.
For that paper, a full-scale ventilated roof component was tested under real climatic conditions.two key constructional parameters were examined during the tests : the air gap height and the application or not of a layer of a radiant barrier.
Dimoudi A., Androutsopoulos A., Lykoudis S.
An analytical and a numerical predictions of heat and pressure drop characteristics of a floor with the ventilating ducts are presented in that paper. The experimental results are used for the validation of the models.
Zukowski M.
For that study, a RANS equation approach is applied to wind driven natural ventilation in a cubic building. Two different models are considered.
Evola G., Popov V.
The aim of that experimental campaign was to evaluate the potential of natural ventilation in the urban environment on the one hand and to better understand the air flow and thermal phenomena in deep urban canyons.
Georgakis Ch., Santamouris M.
For that study, a prototype of the rooftop turbine ventilator powered by hybrid wind and photovoltaic energy is developed. For the investigation of the prototypes ventilation performance, a low-speed wind tunnel experiment is performed.
Lai C.M.
In that study, the existing recommended correlations are validated in a full-scale experimental facility representing an office space. New correlations are developed as well, for floor surfaces.
Novoselac A., Burley B.J., Srebric J.
