
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In that paper, a computer simulation of the air-circuits of a variable-air-volume (VAV) air-conditioning system is developed, then validated.
Tan H., Dexter A.
The impact of temperature differences within a room on spatial contaminant distribution is studied in that paper. A photoionization detector was used to monitor the tracer gas concentrations at 144 sampling points.
Lee E., Feigley C., Khan J.A., Hussey J.R.
This paper describes an approach that has been undertaken to improve the airtightness of a number of plasterboard-lined load-bearing masonry dwellings that were constructed in the early 1970s.
Johnson D., Lowe RJ.
Virus transmission through the vertical drainage stack is believed to have been one of the causes of SARS transmission in Amoy gardens, a high-rise residential housing estate in Hong Kong.The authors present their findings on the building draina
Hunga HCK, Chan DWT, Law LKC , Chan EHW, Wong ESW
Experimental and theoretical investigations along with CFD modelling considerations are discussed in this paper to evaluate the performance of a square section wind catcher/tower turret system for natural ventilation.The modelling results tally w
Elmualim A.A.
A review of previous studies and reports on laboratory and field studies developed in the aim of assessing the performance of ventilation systems in spaces where smoking is allowed, is presented in this paper.The problems associated with those stu
Geens AJ, Snelson DG, Littlewood JR, Ryan J.
For that study, the software package TRNSYS (transient systems simulation program) has been applied to estimate the energy consumption of a typical operating theatre in a tropical climate (Malaysia).
Yau YH
This paper provides an overview of mixed-mode buildings, and some of the research that is investigating their performance is described.
Brager G.S.
OA supply rates are often poorly controlled, but accurate measurements of OA flow rates are necessary. This paper describes results of tests of three technologies that perform well and advises on how those technologies should be applied.
Fisk W.J., Faulkner D., douglas P.S.
Test standards for particulate and gaseous contaminant air filters in general ventilation systems are discussed in that paper along with filter rating systems for particulate filters as they are to be understood by filter specifiers too.
Tronville P., Rivers R.D.
The aim of that study was to compare self reported asthma, asthmatic symptoms and pollen or pet allergies among pupils in the Chinese and Swedish schools with similar data .
Zhao Z.H., Elfman L., Wang Z.H., Zhnag Z., Norbäck D.
In this paper, the authors have investigated the determinants of IAP in Bangladesh, using monitoring data from 236 households in the region of Dhaka. Their results show that fuel choice affects indoor pollution levels significantly.
dasgupta S., Huq M., Khaliquzzaman M., Pandey K., Wheeler D.
That study demonstrated that factors in school environment such as high temperature, low air exchange rate and ambient air pollution from traffic exhausts are responsible for respiratory symptoms among pupils.
Mi Y-H, Norbäck D., Tao J., Mi Y.L., Ferm M.
This paper focuses on the possible association between classroom ventilation rates and the students' academic performance. A pilot study was conducted.
Shaughnessy R.J., Haverinen-Shaughnessy, Nevalainen A., Moschandreas D.
The objective of this paper was to develop a flexible mathematical model that could help to determine the best strategies for containing indoor airborne infections at the early stage of outbreak.The impact of engineering control measures combine
Chen S.C., Chang C.F., Liao CM.
HVAC engineers have to incorporate the calculations and directives of the Ashrae standard 62.1-2004 into the normal design process to improve ventilation air delivery.
Miller S.M.
The objective of that experimental field study was to investigate if a better indoor air quality in classrooms improves the performance of schoolwork for children.
Wargocki P., Wyon D.P.
In this paper , eight simple steps for designing a DOAS with CRCP system are provided .
Jeong J-W, Mumma S.
For that paper, the three-dimensional flow patterns and the real-time tracer gas leakage were studied to understand the physical mechanisms of the contaminant dispersion and containment leakage during the ventilation process through a laboratory
Tseng L.C, Huang R.F., Chen C.C., Chang
In that paper, the data collected in a previous study was used to examine the impact of season, home ventilation, and particle composition on associations between ambient concentrations and corresponding personal exposures to particles and gases.
Sarnat S.E., Coull B.A., Schwartz J., Gold D.R., Suh H.H.
