
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensory emission load from an alternative ventiltion bag filter with activated charcoal lining and to compare it with a used bag filter.
Mysen M., Magnussen K., Nilsen S.K., Schild P.G.
Activated carbon filters have been installed within the air handling unit of an HVAC system feeding 100% fresh air to an office building.
Ginestet A., Pugnet D.
The tests were made in a empty experimental surgical room for pre clinical animal research. The measurements were made with 3 filters efficiency : 65 %, 85 % and HEPA filter, according to ASHRAE conditions.
Pereira M., Felix V., Graudenz G.S., Galvao F.H.F., Tribess A.
For the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), zeolites can be used. This paper deals with the removal performance of toluene in gas phase.
Chao C.Y.H., Kwong C.W., Hui K.S.
For that study 60 subjects in groups of six, were exposed for five hours to two levels of air pollution, four levels of absolute air humidity, and three air temperatures .
Wyon D.P., Fang L., Lagercrantz L., Fanger P.O.
The aim of that study was to evaluate the environment's thermal conditions so as to indentify the comfort and localized discomfort conditions in office buildings with underfloor air supply systems.Parameters of thermal comfort and of system operat
Leite B.C.C., Tribess A.
The first part of this paper is a presentation of a simple method using commercial CFD software to obtain the solution multiplicity characteristics of laminar and turbulent indoor airflows.A two-zone naturally ventilated building with four openin
Yang L., Xu P., Li Y.
In the second part of this paper a simple two-way simulation method is implemented using CFD software to obtain the multiplicity behavior of laminar and turbulent indoor airflows in two-zone naturally ventilated buildings.
Yang L., Xu P., Li Y.
That study about the development of new convection correlations for rooms with cooled ceiling (CC) panels has two main objectives : - to develop convection correlations for the CC surfaces in rooms with only natural ventilation.
Novoselac A., Burley B.J., Srebric J.
For that study, two types of air terminal devices for a personalized ventilation (PV) system in conjunction with either a mixing or a displacement total-volume ventilation system were installed in a mock-up of an office.
Cermak R., Melikov A.K., Forejt L., Kovar O.
The objective of the study was to investigate the human response to five air terminal devices (ATD) for a personalized ventilation system (PVS).
Kaczmarczyk J., Melikov A., Bolashikov Z., Nikoaev L., Fanger P.O.
Five papers dealing with ventilation, comfort, indoor relative humidity, filtration and air cleaning constitute this file on "Indoor Air Quality". All the authors have in mind to obtain a good indoor air quality coupled with energy saving .
Judd C., Bleicher D., Proven R., Kilcoyne J., Batchelor S., Stanton M.
Thanks to the introduction of guidelines covering infection control, many facilities have been designed and built, and practical experience has been gained.
Drake B.
This paper deals with digital airflow simulation methods inside a painting booth with ventilated pits. Air movements and pollutant dispersion are analysed when painting the underside of an HGV trailer chassis.
Braconnier R.
This paper insists on preventive actions in the field of indoor air quality with the upkeeping of air treatment installations.
Caffon M.
In the tertiary sector, the checking of the indoor air quality installations requires aeraulic measurements, microbiological samples and cleaning of the ducts.
Jourquin V.
In so far as most Inuit infants suffer from severe Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) a pilot study was conducted in the home of 20 Inuit children during extreme cold weather conditions to obtain data on IAQ and to identify and classify ri
Kovesi T., Creery D., Gilbert N.L., Dales R., Fugler D., Thompson B., Randhawa N., Miller J.D.
For that study, indoor/outdoor measurements have been carried out in two residential houses in Oslo.
Lazaridis M., Aleksandropoulou V., Smolik J., Hansen J.E., Glytsos T., Kalogerakis N., Dahlin E.
In this paper, numerical simulations were performed to investigate the dispersion mechanisms of expiratory aerosols in an enclosure wtih two different types of of ventilation airflow patterns : unidirectional downward and celing return flow.
Chao C.Y.H., Wan M.P.
There are notable changes in the 2006 edition of the Guidelines for design and construction of hospital and health care facilities.
Ninomura P., Rousseau C., Bartley J.
