
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Air cleaning technologies for VOCs are not well established.
Hodgson A.T., Sullivan D.P., Fisk W.J.
During renovation work of an old military building, the coal tar pitch that was used as a traditional water barrier, was left under the new carpeting.
Honkanen H., Riala R., Kokotti H.
In this paper, the proposition is to use free wind in order to create suction pressure within a ventilation duct with no consumption of commercial energy. The possibilities of this suction cylinder concept in a ventilation system are discussed.
Guha J., Holmberg S.
For that study, the transfers of air across revolving doors have been observed , in that aim a small-scale laboratory model was used that revealed the existence of a critical revolution rate , where transfers are maximal for a given combination o
Allgayer D.M., Hunt G.R.
For that work, a numerical study is carried out to define the optimum airside system design of tomb air ventilation systems, that will provide the best comfort and healthiest conditions with optimum energy use.
Abdel-Aziz O., Khalil E.E.
The ventilation of underground car parks is essential to avoid health problems. The aim of that study is to assess the impact of the use of axial ventilators (jet fans) suspended under the car park ceilings.
Viegas J.C.
In 2000, two similar blocks of flats with clean and effective ventilation system and low emitting building materials were built for people with respiratory illnesses.
Palonen J., Kurnitski J., Seppänen O., Pirinen J., Tuomainen M.
That numerical study confirms the high efficiency of that new device for ventilation and cooling application : the air-jet device with moving parts.
Burcev S., Denisikhina D.
Three new efficiency measures are defined based on the buoyancy distribution with the space. The first one is a time-averaged efficiency for a space considered as a whole. The second is an instantaneous measure for the whole space.
Coffey C., Hunt G.
The aim of that study was to determine the best technical method for the measurement of ventilation rate in naturally ventilated buildings.
Eren Ozcan S., Vranken E., Van Brecht, Berckmans D.
An experimental study was carried out to articulate the relationship between indoor thermal radiant environment and comfort in naturally ventilated room space is presented.
Shukuya M., Tokunaga K., Nishiuchi M., Iwamatsu T., Yamada H.
The existing analytical models for the purging of excess buoyancy by displacement and mixing ventilation have been extended to allow the authors the simulation of natural ventilation with time-varying vent areas.The resulting analytic solutions ha
Hunt G.R., Allgayer D.M.
This paper reports the design concept and outline of that task ambient air conditioning system with natural ventilation along with the measurement results.
Ushio T., Sagara K., Yamanaka T., Kotani H., , Yamagiwa M., Yamashita T., Horikawa S.
Developing a device that has indoor ventilation performance through solar heating is the aim of that study.
Yoshizawa S., Nobe T.
In that paper , the presentation of a simplified control strategy for naturally ventilated buildings is made. The concept of the "ventilation function" has been introduced. The procedure applied to derive it was illustrated.
Piccolo A.
A systematic process that analyses the relationship between building layouts and the efficiency of natural ventilation in and around high-rise apartment is demonstrated in that paper.
Shin J.W., Lee K.H.
Chemical transformations occur indoors, and primary pollutants may be chemically transformed.
Morrison G.C., Corsi R.L., Destaillats H., Nazaroff W.W., Wells J.R.
Both measurements - made in a climate chamber equipped with both underfloor air distribution system (UFAD) and a mixing system (MS) - and numerical results are presented then compared in this paper, in order to investigate the ventilation efficien
Zhou L., Wan M.P., Chao C.Y.H., Haghighat F.
Amount of moisture in a bathroom and dressing room has been surveyed in order to clarify the basic unit of moisture and to define a method for moisture measurement.
Watanabe K., Tanabe S., Aizawa Y., Amai H., Yokoo K.
The Kroller-Muller museum , since the beginning of Climate installation, suffered the problem of condensation on the glass facades in winter time. A new concept of supply air diffuser was provided.
Yu B., Schmidt P.C., Ruchti J.P., Luscuere P.G.
