
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) and the tracer gas techniques were used for the testing of indoor air quality and ventilation in nine Spanish office buildings during a 15 day period in May.
Rey F.J., Velasco E.
A ventilation system effective to solve the SBS problems has been developed : it consists in a circulating ventilation system with air cleaning units that reduce indoor contaminant concentration without increasing the amount of air supply.
Nozaki A., Hashimoto Y., Sasaki S., Ona A., Nagatomo Y., Hashiguch H.
Field studies have been carried out in an existing kitchen to investigate the effects of gas stoves on indoor environment.
Kajtar L., Leitner A., Banhidi L.
Night ventilation is a passive cooling technique that can reduce the cooling loads and energy requirements.
Manzan M., Pinto F., Saro O.
The new headquarters for Danish broadcasting company are planned for low energy use and minimization of CO2 emissions.
Fox M., Hummelshoj R.M., Toft K.
The aim of that study was to investigate the energy consumption at different gradients in a field environment chamber in Singapore. The results of the experiment are presented along with the authors ' main conclusions.
Cheong K.W.D., Yu W.J., Tham K.W., Sekhr S.C., Kosonen R.
Energy Performance Policy for the Building sector has been recommended by the European Commission in so far it can help in introducing new techniques that will influence the indoor climate.
Beerepoot M.
A mathematical model is built to evaluate the energy saving potential of a new three rotary wheels fresh air handling unit (TRWFAHU).
Hao X.L., Zhang G.Q., Chen Y.M.
Basic steady-state energy and exergy analyses for residential ventilation with and without heat recovery from ventilation air are presented in this paper.
Sakulpipatsin P., Boelman E.C., Cauberg H.
A CFD simulation software to investigate the human thermal comfort in ventilated tombs of the Valley of Kings was used for that study.
EzzEldin H.M., Mourad S., Khalil E.E.
In that study, a method to predict conditions in floor heating type living room by CFD is proposed. Full size model experiments were carried out to obtain measured data.
Kurabuchi T., Takahashi M., Endo T.
This numerical study demonstrates the importance of buoyancy on the jet distribution in a ventilated room. The flow parameters are thus strongly affected in the occupied zone. 25 cases of diffuser locations were studied .
Pichurov G., Stankov P., Ivanov M.
For that study a CFD model has been developed. Its aim is to propose a design or an improvement plan of an intake and exhaust system and air-conditioning facility for a kitchen ventilation system.
Omori T., Nishikawa K., Azuma M.
The evaluation of the performance of existing natural ventilation systems in Lithuania was the objective of this research along with the performance of a CFD analysis to find possible ways to improve them.
Jurelionis A.
For the part 2 of that study, detailed measurements of natural ventilation rate were conducted in a high rise office building in Osaka while twenty natural ventilation openings were kept open.
Kotani H., Sagara K., Yamanaka T., Kuise M., Yamagiwa M., Horikawa S., Ushio T.
This paper presents an extension of a standard two-equation turbulence model that can improve considerably the precision of the numerical simulation of a displacement ventilation system.
Müller D., Kriegel M
For the analysis of the variation of ventilation performance with the intensity and the location of indoor momentum source, a numerical study was conducted.
Kwang Chul Noh, Myung Do Oh
This paper aimed at presenting the application of data-based mechanistic (DBM) modelling technique to control the temperature dynamics in a forced ventilated room.
Van Brecht A., Quanten S., Berckmans D.
A field study was conducted to investigate how the open-plan offices influence the occupant satisfaction. It is part of the Cost-effective Open Plan Environments project.
Charles K.E., Veitch J.A., Newsham G.R., Marquardt C.J.G., Geerts J.
The objectives of this work are the analysis and the evaluation of the global thermal comfort and local thermal discomfort levels of an occupant submitted to a nonuniform airflow.
Conceiçao E.Z.E., Lucio M.J.R., Lourenço T.M.C., Brito A.I.P.V.
