
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A new mode of ventilation , the intelligent stratum ventilation, where the outlets are located at the side walls at the breathing zone level, is presented in that paper.
Lin Z., Chow T.T., Tsang C.F.
This aim of that study is to evaluate the right time to ventilate and the effectiveness of ventilation for bake-out.
Kang D.H., Choi D.H., Kim S.S., Park M.Y., Yeo M.S., Kim K.W.
A series of experiments were conducted in a thermal chamber room served by displacement ventilation system to investigate the effect of external heat radiation on the vertical temperature profile.
Sun W.., Cheong D.K.W.
In this paper , a correlation of three parameters (temperature, relative humidity and velocity) in a single index is proposed.
Abdel-Aziz O., Khalil E.E.
That study demonstrates the efficiency of longitudinal spiral recuperators, their resistance to outdropping moisture from air-cooled stream. With that type of recuperator, the effect of frosting practically does not occur.
Adamski M.
That paper reports field measurement results in kitchens and washrooms in a high-rise residential building. The tracer gas method was applied to understand the removal rate of contaminant.
Law L.K.C., Chan D.W.T., Leung E.S.H., Chan E.H.W., Mak H.K.C.
For that study, evaluation has been made by the authors on energy saving effect when total heat exchanger is adopted for detached houses in warm area.
Toriumi Y., Kurabuchi T., Okuyama H., Nanaoka H.
A variety of typical air flow related problems in apartments such as air guiding, contaminant removal, draught problems are presented in this paper along with suggestions to solve those problems.
Schaelin A.
An experimental study was carried out to characterize the hybrid ventilation system in residential apartment in the Porto aera. The results of the field experiments in the summer are presented .
Pinto M., Peixoto de Freitas V., Viegas J.C., Matias L.
That study whose aim was to determine mixing coefficients for a two-zone model of displacement ventilation was carried out in 43m2 model room equipped with various heat sources to create realistic convection air flows.
Bjorkroth M., Vartiainen E., Holopainen R., Pasanen P.
This paper presents first an overview on the current state of Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) technology for commercial buildings.Then it deals with the performance of existing systems - what is working well - with possible alternatives for the
Apte M.G.
Laboratory measurements of a ventilated ceiling in a mock-up kitchen are presented in that paper.
Kosonen R.
This study aims at developing a new ventilated window consisting in a triple glazing unit with dual airflow paths. The performance testing of such a system has been made possible thanks to CFD simulations.
Gosselin J.R., Chen Q.
A method to develop HVAC equipment models with BMS data using RNN - recurrent neural networks - is proposed in this paper.
Togashi E., Tanabe S.
This report discusses the importance of airflow passing from a house into its pitch roof carrying heat and moisture. . For the prediction of the indoor airflow patterns, detailed tracer gas measurements and simulation tools (CFD) have been used.
Essah E.A., Sanders C.H., Baker P., Galbraith G.H., McLean R.C.
Identifying optimal conditions for both human health and work productivity in office rooms was the aim of this study based on published reports and other information concerning air-flow and temperature in Swedish office buildings.
Granroth M., Holmberg S.
This paper is a literature review of Indoor Air Quality provided by air conditioning systems with underfloor air distribution. Practically all the studies indicate UFAD systems really promote an improvement of IAQ.
Abe V.C., Inatomi T.A.H., Leite B.C.C.
The chemical nature of the odorous compounds released from used ventilation filters has been investigated in that paper by simultaneous ordor evaluation and chemical analysis of air before and after the filters.
Kalliokoski P., Hyttinen M., Bjorkroth M., Pasanen P.
The effect of filtration on secondary organic aerosols (SOA) resulting from reactions between indoor limonene and ozone under a recirculation scenario, is examined in that paper.
Fadeyi M.O., Tham K.W., Zuraimi M.S.
This study experienced the capability of soil to purify indoor air pollutants. The efficiency of reducing the concentration of VOCs was examined for the soil where plants could be buried. Experiments were performed.
Park D.S., Jung Y.H., Pang S.K., Cho K.H., Sohn J.Y.
