
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Task conditioning system is expected to reduce energy consumption in buildings and also toimprove thermal comfort of occupants. In this paper, an isothermal task unit was developed and its impact on subjective feeling was invesigated.
Hayashi J., Lee S.,Tomioka Y.,Harigaya J.,Nobe T.,Tanabe S.
Thirty human subjects participated in experiments with five different air terminal devices forpersonalized ventilation operating at two levels of room air temperature within the range prescribed instandards for thermal comfort, namely 23C and 26C.
Kaczmarczyk J., Melikov A., Bolashikov Z., Nikolaev L., Fanger P.O.
A detailed study using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was conducted on the influenceof the difference in the effective diameters of air supply outlets (wind velocity, assuming the airflow rate to be constant) when using personal air conditioni
Kato S., Yang J.H.
This paper presents the main results of a research on an individually controlled office environment.
Leite B.C.C., Tribess A.
In this paper micro-environment around human body with a personalized ventilation system ina displacement ventilated room was simulated by the standard k-e model.
Gao N. P., Niu N. P.
This paper reports the function and the performance of chair mounted isothermal airflowgenerator system.
Nobe T., Shoji M., Shimizu S.
Achievement of thermal comfort can be improved if individual control of the environment is allowed,namely through a local heating system (LHS), consisting of individually controlled radiant heating panels, adapted to a common office desk to a seat
Raimundo A. M., Gaspar A. R., Quintela D.A.
In the light of ever increasing oil prices and rapidly depleting fossil fuel resources, energyconservation strategies in buildings become popular and necessary design goals.
Sekhar S.C., Tham K.W., Maheswaran C.R.U.
This paper analyses an individual control system that accounts for human thermal adaptation.Although the conventional individual control system has been shown to provide a satisfactory level of thermal comfort, there are questions over its energy
Song D., Kato S., Yang J.H., Zhu S., Chikamoto T.
A 2x3 series of experimental conditions under ambient room temperature of 26 °C, two Personalised ventilation (PV) supply air temperatures of 20, 23 °C, and three levels of PV air flow rates of 4.5, 7.3, 11.2 L/s/person were conducted using tropic
Tham K.W., Sekhar S.C., Cheong D.K.W., Gong N.
This study presents a critical analysis of assessment of ventilation systems effectiveness in terms of contaminant removal. For this purpose, experimental measurements are carried in a room of an experimental house called MARIA.
Akoua A.A., Allard F., Beghein C., Collignan B.
This paper reports experimental study of air quality in the kitchen of the CSTB experimental house MARIA. These experiments are transition between measurements in an experimental cell and in situ measurements.
Akoua A.A., Allard F., Beghein C., Collignan B.
Aerosol particles are one of the main causes to pollute indoor air. Reliable models for particletransport save time, money and help to reduce risk of health problems for occupants.
M. Aydin, Reis A.H., Miguel A. F., Silva A. M.
A three-dimensional drift-flux model combined with the deposition boundary conditions for wall surfaces in ventilated rooms are presented to study the particle dispersion in displacement ventilation rooms.
Chen J., Zhao B., Li X.
A recent survey study suggested that elderly people’s lifestyle and building + dwellings factors exposed them to an uncomfortable and poor environment regarding indoor air quality.
Coelho C., Schriver-Mazzuoli L., Lemaitre N., Steers M.
The paper reviews the effect of environmental parameters on the migration of particulate matter.
Gupta A., Cheong K.W.D., Wong N.H.
The research was oriented to analyze better the ventilation systems, in terms of cost-to-quality ratio. The matter of the paper is that a ventilation system is designed to work in certain quality conditions, but every quality has its cost.
Ion Ionita
Amongst various sources of polluting substances the open space gas-range have an impact onthe quality of living spaces. Carbon-dioxide and nitrogen-oxides occurring during burning considerably impair the air quality.
Kajtár L., Leitner A.
Tracer gas measurements are commonly used to estimate the fresh air exchange rate in a room or building. Published tracer decay methods account for fresh air supply, infiltration, and leaks in ductwork.
Kristoffersen A.R.
Previous work on an Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) system with a single heat source anda single cooling diffuser at floor level developed by Lin has been extended to study the effects of the vertical location of the heat source and of multiple
Liu Q.A., Linden P. F.
