
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Electrostatic air cleaners (precipitators) were tested in four classrooms during ordinarylessons for four weeks.
Mattsson M., Stojanovic B., Elfman L.
The perceived intensity is investigated by a trained group of 10 to 15 persons. Until now fieldstudies have to be made at the location of interest. All members of a trained group have to visit e.g.
Müller B. Müller D.
The paper reports on findings from a series of experiments where the supply flow rate wasvaried periodically in time. All experiments were conducted in a small scale model with water as operating fluid.
Sandberg M, Elvsén Per-Åke
An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of photocatalytic air cleaning on perceivedair quality.
Skorek A., Famula B., Wargocki P.
For underfloor air distribution (UFAD) systems, more rapid mixing of the supply air with ambient airis desirable for better thermal comfort, and swirling air diffusers are usually used.
Xu H. T., Niu J. L.
This paper reports the effect of adsorptive building materials in reducing formaldehyde inindoor air.
Yokota T., Murakami S., Kato S., Ataka Y., Zhu Q.
An experimental study was conducted in a field environmental chamber with the aim of comparingceiling-based mixing ventilation (MV) system and under-floor supply system (UF) from the perspectives of indoor air quality and thermal comfort.
Zhou W., Tham K.W., Zuraimi M.S., Gupta A.
The paper presents experiment results of emission rates of HCHO from Medium DensityFiberboard (MDF, JIS grade E2) using three different test chambers.
Zhu Q., Kato S., Ataka Y.
Equivalent temperature is a thermal index used today for assessment of the thermal comfortin vehicles.
Novakovic K., Holmberg S.
A new standard, ISO/DIS 14505 is under preparation, dealing with the assessment of the thermal environment in vehicles, based on the equivalent temperature.
Rosendhal J., Olesen B.W.
The main motivation behind research on control of the thermal environment inside a vehicle cabin, is since long time thermal comfort for the passengers.
Quanten S., Claes S., Van Brecht A., Aerts J.M, Berckmans
Within the last years CFD has become an essential tool to investigate and optimize concepts of train coaches during an early design stage to achieve best results without major modifications of the final design.
Haigis M., Haider G., Payer W., Mann M.
The paper deals with research on capture efficiency of reinforced exhaust system equipped withhorizontal slot exhaust hood, capture efficiency of which is increased by radial flow of supply air through a slot in hood flange.
E. Janotkova, M. Pavelek, L. Malasek
Ships are very demanding on the ventilation systems that need to be installed. The reasons forthis are manifold.
Henkel S.
The capture efficiency of the total system must be guaranteed so that the spread of impurities throughout the kitchen is prevented. A capture efficiency model is derived and it is used to estimate the efficiency of a ventilated ceiling.
Kosonen R., Mustakallio P.
The airflow conditions in an experimental pig housing unit are examined both experimentally and numerically (simulation) with particular focus on the airflow conditions in the occupational zone of the animals.
Jacobsen L., Nielsen P.V., Morsing S.
Seeking to realistically model details of room airflows, researchers have recently embeddeddetailed CFD or sub-zone (zonal) models within multi-zone idealizations of building systems.
Axley J.W., Chung D.H.
The conversion of CAD models into 3D Cartesian-defined geometries is presented, and a two-pass algorithm to perform the transformation is described.
Barrero D., Hardy J.P., Reggio M., Ozel B.
A comparative study between experiments and numerical simulations in the developingzone of a non-isothermal plane vertical jet is presented.
Benkhelifa A., Thomas L., Robert J., Penot F.
The paper examines the possibilities of using simple CFD models in practical smoke ventilationdesign. The aim is to assess if it is possible with a reasonable accuracy to predict the behaviour of smoke transport in case of a fire.
Brohus H., Nielsen P.V., la Cour-Harbo H., Lykkegaard M., Dam M., Jensen B.V.
