
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper deals with how to visibly render the thermal climate in the design and presentationtools used by different participants in the building process.
Linden E., Broberg B., Olsson S., Sandberg M.
This paper reports experimental measurements on the diffusion of confluent jets thatform a wall jet. The experiments were carried out at a fixed air flow rate and fixed temperaturedifference between the supply and room air in the cooling mode.
Cho Y., Awbi H.B., Karimipanah T.
Arthur Rosenfeld cited a study showing that the huge link between IAQ and productivity in anoffice building and the serious initiative to improve indoor air quality will have a tremendous return.
Chou, P.C., Chang, K.F, Chiang, C.M.
We conducted an on-site test of air-conditioning systems in a hotel in Changsha, Hunan, China in the summer of 2003.
Li N.P., Fu Z.R., Guan J., Dai R.L, Wang J.
Multiple regression analysis is used to predict the mean room velocity and determine the most influencing parameters on the velocity.
Cho Y., Awbi H.B.
Underfloor air distribution (UFAD) strategy is gaining popularity during the last years, howeverresearches about the performance of such systems still need to be deepened.One of the appreciated features of this technology is the use of an underflo
Corgnati S.P., Perino M.
This research was to assess the performance of air infiltration, the corresponding energy consumption, indoor contaminant level for residential buildings in Harbin, a typical city in the severe cold region of China.
Liu J., Gao F., Yoshino H., Li Z.
Rising energy prices have contributed to the development of heat pump-based heating systems in Sweden. Low flow temperature in the secondary heat distribution system to rooms is a requirement for energy-efficient systems.
Holmberg S., Molin F., Myhren J.
Within the European project - Friendly Heating - a local heating system is designed. The main goal is not to heat the monumental churches themselves, in order to prevent damage to valuable art works and the building itself.
Limpens-Neilen D., Schoffelen M.E.A., Schellen H.L.
Large spaces with high thermal loads and high air flow rates air conditioned by displacement flowsometimes require air supply through the raised floor. One favoured solution is to cover the perforated floor by an air permeable carpet.
Fitzner K.
The air exchange rate is a determinant factor for the indor air quality in a given spaces. If it is lower than the required it may cause the so caled sick building syndrome.
Afonso C., Ribeiro B., Gouveia P., Fernandes E.O.
The fluctuating characteristics of airflow have impacts on the thermal comfort of people. Two kinds of mechanical airflows in indoor environment were tested and analyzed in the paper.
W. Dai, Q. Ouyang, Y.X. Zhu
As part of an investigation into single-sided natural ventilation, a computational fluid dynamics study was performed to analyse the impact on the airflow rate of the dimensions and position of a large rectangular opening and of the temperature di
Favarolo P.A., Manz H.
The aiflows driven by a revolving door that links two rooms of initially uniform temperature are examined.
Allgayer D.M., Hunt G.R.
When designing natural ventilation for complex buildings, it is key to understand whether there is a unique solution for the flow, or if multiple flow regimes are possible.
Livermore S.R., Woods A.W.
Natural ventilation is a more pleasant and acceptable ventilation mode, which is favorable to human physical and psychological comfort and health.
Q. Ouyang, W. Dai , Y. Zhu
Predicting the performance of natural ventilation is difficult, especially for the large scale naturally ventilated buildings, because of the lack of accurate and efficient prediction tools.
Tan G., Glicksman L.
Evaluating naturally ventilated buildings for performance is a difficult task, often relying oncomputer simulations and modeling to assess thermal comfort and airflow issues.
Walker C.E., Manchanda S., Spindler H.C., Norford L.K.
We describe the results of simple modelling and some laboratory experiments of the natural ventilation flows which can develop in an office building when air is supplied from a central atrium, passes through the floor-space of the building, and th
Woods A.W., Short A., Gladstone L.
In order to clarify whether a combination of designs is optimal, design elements are divided intodesign variables and random variables in the inquiry process for the optimal design.
Lee J.H., Kato S.
