
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Thermal sensation of tropically acclimatized subjects performing sedentary tasks under personalized ventilation (PV) was explored in this study.
Tham K.W. , Sekhar S.C. , Cheong D.K.W. , Gong N.
A modified 65MN(Multi-Nodes) thermoregulation model is tested for the evaluation of the skin surfacetemperature distributions in each body part under solar radiation.
Ozeki Y.
The paper presents a method of designing thermal comfort conditions in a room with an UnderFloor Air Distribution system (UFAD).
Zukowski M.
Nevertheless the proven benefit of a cyclist helmet in preventing serious head injuries whena crash occurs, many cyclist still refuse to wear a crash helmet.
Quanten S., Aerts J.M., Van Brecht A., Welkenhuyzen J., Nuyttens D., Berckmans D.
Subjective experiments were carried out to evaluate thermal comfort of inhomogeneous thermalenvironment created in task area using floor air outlet.
Nakamura Y., Fujikawa A.
This paper deals with the study of natural ventilation in a building under tropical climates. Roomair distribution is analyzed with a statistical approach. The building is a cube with two opposing outdoor large openings.
Bastide A., Garde F., Adelard L., Boyer H.
In order to clarify the effects of humidity on subjective comfort and productivity under transient conditions in summer, subjective experiments were conducted. Subjects were exposed to 30C/70%RH for 15 minutes in Chamber 1.
Tanaka Y., Tsutsumi H., Chen Y., Kato M., Katahira D., Akimoto T.,Tanabe S., Harigaya J., Iguchi Y., Nakamura G.
Subjective experiments were conducted during the summer season and the winter season in order toclarify the multiplied effects of humidity and indoor chemical pollutants on subjective comfort and productivity.
Tsutsumi H., Chen Y., Akimoto T., Tanabe S., Suzuki T.
The maximum velocity in the occupied space is an important aspect of the thermal comfort. The velocity field is controlled by the position of the inlet devices, the introduced momentum flux and the thermal load of a room.
Muller D. , Gores I., Zielinski R.
A ventilated cavity wall is often proposed in the building envelope design as an alternative to thetraditional wall, mostly due to its ability in reducing the thermal load during the hot season.
Aelenei L. E., Rodrigues A. M. , Aelenei D.
There is a worldwide trend to reuse an old building to renovate the historical district forsustainable development.
Chiang, C.M, Cheng, Y.L, Chou, P.C., Chang, K.F.
Integration of building components and ventilation systems is an effective way to control thermal loads, especially cooling loads.
Corgnati S. P. , Forte D., Fracastoro G.V.
The object of this investigation is a marketplace in a cold winter and hot summer region.
Deng Q, Li N., Yang C
This paper shows a study of a herring meal factory and the methodology used to improve the indoor and outdoor environment
Frydenlund F., Mathisen H.M. , Jonassen O.
This paper presents the results of the application of building thermal simulation in the design of anew concert hall and refurbishment of interior spaces in the So Francisco Convent in Coimbra, Portugal.
Carrilho da Graça G.,Boucinha M., Sarmento I.
The effects of exterior thermal transmission modeling for walls and a roof on the airconditioning heat load prediction for a large space building were analyzed using a coupled simulation of convection based on CFD, radiation and conduction.
Shiraishi Y., Tanabe S., Kimura K.
The performance of a passive cooling system was evaluated as part of design works for theproject of an auditorium. The passive cooling system incorporates an array of buried pipes together with a solar chimney.
Correia da Silva J.J.
Nowadays, the need to keep indoor air quality under control is widely known due to the fact that people spend most of their time indoors. In order to show a useful working-tool this paper aims to present a guide to evaluate indoor air quality.
Herrero R., .Rey F.J, Velasco E , Varela F.
Airborne particle concentrations of 20 nm to 10 µm particles were studied in two similar classrooms in a school.
Jansson A., Pekonen T., Waher J.
The distribution of the humidity in a dwelling unit is the key factor determining the condensationrisk and the mold growth, as well as the dryness problem.
Hosoi A., Sawach T., Saito H., Masayuki Mae Y., Seto H.
