
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper describes a study of the relationships between indoor environmental factors and individual work performance in a call center.
Federspiel C.C., Fisk W.J., Price P.N., Liu G., Faulkner D., Dibartolomeo D.L., Sullivan D.P., Lahiff M.
The web-based IEQ survey is a tool that helps assess how well a building is performing from the viewpoint of its occupants.
Zagreus L., Huizenga C., Arens E., Lehrer D.
In experimental chambers, the ventilation effectiveness and thermal comfort of a task ventilation system has been investigated. The method and results of the experiment are presented in this paper.
Faulkner D., Fisk W.J., Sullivan D.P., Lee S.M.
This paper deals with techniques aiming at reducing noise entering into naturally ventilated buildings while reducing airflow path resistance.The description of the combined experimental and theoretical approach is made.
Oldham D.J., de Salis M.H., Sharples S.
For that study the measurement of parameters in the indoor environment were carried out with a simultaneous survey with questions dealing with elements of the indoor environment, health status and health problems.
Muhi S., Butala V.
The efficiency of the natural day ventilation in relation to the double-skin orientation wind speed and wind direction is examined in this paper.
Gratia E., De Herde A.
Investigations in six car parks were carried out.
Chan M.Y., Chow W.K.
How to avoid or reduce the influence of suddenly released contaminant when emergency occurs ?
Zhaoa B., Li X., Chen X., Huang D.
For that study, IAQ measurements were carried out in 3 residential Singapore dwellings. CO2 levels were higher in air-conditioned bedrooms than in naturally ventilated bedrooms.
Nyuk Hien Wong N.H., Huang B.
There is a resurgence of interest in naturally ventilated offices. Most of the time, cooling the buildings is possible with the opening of windows.
Gratia E., Bruyere I., De Herde A.
In a test cell equipped with an operating table, a medical lamp and a manikin representing the surgeon, air velocity and tracer-gas concentration were automatically measured at more than 700 points.
Woloszyn M., Virgone J., Melen S.
For that study, the constant concentration dosing method and the decay method were used to test air changes performances in an office equiped with a VAV mechanical ventilation system and in a domestic apartment with natural ventilation .
Chao Y., Wan M.P., Anthony K
The principle of displacement ventilation involves air supply and distribution in a room by upwards displacement, i.e. as direct as possible through-flow in the occupied zone in order to achieve high ventilation efficiency.
Peter G. Schild
A number of emission classification systems changed the test method and/or the classification values, like DIBT, EMICODE, and GuT. New classifications were born, e.g. Natureplus. Harmonisation of the testing protocols showed some progress.
Oppl R.
Exposure risk assessment of any possible release of chemicals from manufactured products, and their possible impact on health and environment is now an important requirement by the European Commission.
Yu C., Rowley J., Brown V., Squire R., Crump D.
Dissatisfaction with the indoor environment in many buildings occurs even when existing ventilation standards and guidelines are met.
Fanger P.O
This paper presents a prediction model of the blade trailing-edge noise and its validation from tests carried out on a fixed flat plate at different angles of attack in an anechoic wind tunnel.
Guedel A., Roger M., Truffinet C., Moreau S.
Recent work on the prediction of airflow generated noise in ducts based upon pressure loss characteristics is applied to a range of in duct components including bends and branch take-offs.
Oldham D.J., Waddington D.C.
ASHRAE has recently published its first residential ventilation standard, Standard 62.2-2003.
Sherman, M.H.
This paper focuses on the relations between ventiliation systems, indoor air quality and energy consumption.
Seppanen O.
