
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The method of exposure prediction using the scales of accessibility of supplied air (ASA) and the scales of accessibility of contaminant source (ACS) is presented in this paper.
Yang J., Li X., Zhao B.
For that study , three german buildings with double facades have been monitored for at least one year in order to evaluate their energetic performance.
Pasquay T.
In this paper the authors present the results of the European AIRLESS programme whose aim was to identify the pollution sources in air-handling units, and then avoid or eliminate this pollution.
Jaboyedoff P., Roulet A., Dorer V., Weber A., Pfeiffer A.
For that study, 12 office rooms of a "Solar Optimised Building" in Germany have been monitored. The data have been evaluated by a new method for analysis that deals with short and long term measurements and with building simulation.
Pfafferott J., Herkel S., Wambsganb M.
This paper presents an extensive field survey conducted in residential naturally ventilated buildings in Indonesia.
Feriadi H., Wong N.H.
The use of a combined methodology of wind tunnel experiments and CFD simulations in order to study the potential of using active stack to enhance natural ventilation in residential apartments in Singapore is demonstrated in this paper.
Wong N.H., Heryanto S.
It is not easy to provide simultaneously thermal comfort, proper air quality, efficient energy consumption to building occupants.
Atthajariyakul S., Leephakpreeda T.
In that study, induced ventilation is experimentally explored in a small well-insulated manufactured home, located in the northern edge of the Negev desert in Israel.
Drori U., Ziskind G.
The international center for indoor environment and energy, at the Technical University of Denmark has at its disposal 3 old and 9 new spaces for studying indoor environments and their incidence on human comfort, health, productivity at moderate e
Toftum J., Langkilde G., Fanger O.
Indoor aerosol particles, their concentration and deposition in displacement, their movements in two ventilated rooms are compared numerically.
Bin Zhao, Ying Zhang, Xianting Li, Xudong Yang, Dongtao Huang
This paper sums up the results of a study on the internal partitioning with its effects on the room air quality along with the ventilation performance.
Lee H., Awbi H.B.
The aim of this study is to clarify the effects of indoor environmental characteristics of hybrid - natural and mechanical - air conditioning systems in office buildings during intermediate seasons.
Hyunjae Chang, Shinsuke Kato, Tomoyuki Chikamoto
For that study a mass balanced model is applied to determine area-specific emissions rates in office buildings.
Zuraimi M.S., Tham K.W., Sekhar S.C.
First laboratory experiments are presented, the aim is to examine the transient filling of a room of buoyant fluid when a doorway connects the room to a large reservoir of dense fluid.
Phillips J.C., Woods A.W.
The simulation of airflow pattern in an office building in Singapore is based on the environmental conditions and the corresponding ventilation parmeters measured on a typical day. The findings of that study are reported in this paper.
Sekhar S.C., Willem H.C.
The author describes how to improve the usual formula to calculate air flow rate through an opened hopper window.Improvements consist in better taking into account the geometry of such windows when estimating their opened area and also in adaptin
Knissel J.
The deposition rates of particles in a town-house with a forced air circulation and in-duct filters have been calculated for that study.
Wallace L.A., Emmerich S.J., Howard-Reed C.
For that study an experiment was conducted during 2 months, in a call center : each week 26 operators returned questionnaires recording their environmental perceptions and sick building syndrome symptoms.
Wargocki P., Wyon D.P., Fanger O.
For that study, 60 person have been tested to compare their response to personalized ventilation and mixing ventilation. The benefits presented in human response were obtained with the personalized ventilation system.
Kaczmarczyk J., Melikov A., Fanger P.O.
