
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Suppliers of heating, venting and air-conditioning products have leant on metalforming technology to pump out products that perform at higher levels of energy efficiency.
Kuvin B.F.
In this paper three real-world air-handling system problems are examined : the issues are discussed, troubleshooting techniques, solutions and lessons learnt are presented.
Sellers D.A.
The aim of this paper was to check whether an integrated air purifier is suitable for controlling air quality and for the prevention of virus transmission through the central air system.
Zheng X., Li K., Wang R., Zhao L., Xu L.X., Chen Y., Jin X., Gu B., Bai J., Lio H., Ye X.
The major concern for HVAC's professionals is the engineering of indoor environments, but health and safety must be a primary concern too.
Sherman M.
Natural ventilation is a sustainable, energy-efficient and clean technology that is well accepted by occupants.
Per Heiselberg
According to its location, thermal mass can be approximately classified into two types: external and internal.
Yuguo Li , J. Chi Wai Yam
An overview is given of the current position regarding the use of wind tunnel modelling and envelope flow theory for determining natural ventilation through large openings.
D.W. Etheridge
The observation of wind pressure acting on the wall and floor of a full-scale building model under cross ventilation was carried out.
Takao Sawachi, Ken-ichi Narita, Nobuyoshi Kiyota, Hironao Seto, Shigeki Nishizawa ,Yuumi Ishikawa
Natural ventilation, which may provide occupants with good indoor air quality and a high level of thermal comfort, and reduce energy costs, has become an important sustainable strategy in building designs.
Yi Jiang, Camille Allocca, Qingyan Chen
A new model has been proposed for evaluating the discharge coefficient and flow angle at an inflow opening for cross-ventilation.
Takashi Kurabuchi, Masaaki Ohba, Tomoyuki Endo, Yoshihiko Akamine, Fumihiro Nakayama
The proposed local dynamic similarity model of cross-ventilation predicted ventilation flow rates more accurately than the conventional orifice flow model assuming constant discharge coefficients when discharge coefficients actually decreased with
Masaaki Ohba, Takashi Kurabuchi, Tomoyuki Endo, Yoshihiko Akamine, Motoyasu Kamata, Aya Kurahashi
This paper reviews the flow network model based on power balance as applied to wind-induced cross ventilation in a residential building.
Shinsuke Kato
The mechanism of cross ventilation is dealt with in this paper. The results are obtained by a combination of wind tunnel studies and CFD predictions using a Reynolds stress model as the turbulence model.
Mats Sandberg
To evaluate the property of cross ventilation quantitatively, it is important that the calculated air flow field is compared with measurement.
Shigeki Nishizawa, Takao Sawachi, Ken-ichi Narita, Hironao Seto, Yumi Ishikawa
In the present study, a numerical simulation to simulate an experiment for evaluating the cross-ventilation performance at an inflow opening by using Large Eddy Simulation (LES), the standard k-e model, and Durbin's k-e model was performed.
Yoshihiko Akamine , Takashi Kurabuchi, Masaaki Ohba, Tomoyuki Endo ,Motoyasu Kamata
A Local Dynamic Similarity Model, applicable to dynamic similarity of cross-ventilation, has been applied to outflow openings.
Tomoyuki Endo, Takashi Kurabuchi, Masaaki Ohba, Yoshihiko Akamine, Motoyasu Kamata
A building contains a number of large openings, such as doors and staircases.
C. Blomqvist, M. Sandberg
This paper presents a three-dimensional zonal model, ZAER, for heat transfer and air flow calculations. It is based on an intermediate approach between single-air-node and CFD models.
L. Gharbi, N. Ghrab-Morcos, J. J. Roux
One of the two air distribution systems serving the office rooms of a 25-year-old large office building was balanced in autumn 2002. The supply and extract air flow rates of 173 office rooms were measured before and after balancing.
M. Tuomainen, O. Seppänen, J. Kurnitski , R. Niemelä
The purpose of this study was to find out the local intensity and extent of doorway draughts, the functioning of air curtains, and the variation of the neutral pressure levels in 18 industrial premises.
A. Valkeapää, H. Anttonen
