
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The values of the normalized concentration in the occupied zone (Cn) in an office space arecalculated by CFD for five different ventilation systems and the minimum ventilation rate which maintains the average concentration in the occupied zone und
S. Kikuchi, K. Ito, N. Kobayashi
This paper examines airflow in rooms for a displacement ventilation system using threedimensionalCFD.
Hashimoto Y.
The paper presents an extension of a two-equation turbulence model to predict the airflow fordisplacement ventilation systems.
Kriegel M. Müller D.
Isolation rooms for airborne infectious agents requires special measures to prevent air from transporting agents from the patient to surrounding rooms.
Mathisen H.M.
The compatibility of energy conservation and thermal comfort in Japanese house with high air-tightness and insulation equipped with the whole-housing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (H.V.A.C.) system was examined by a numerical analysis.
Miyanaga T., Urabe W., Neri K., Sato T.
This paper shows the successful application of CFD simulations for analyzing complex room air flow problems in real applications and deriving optimized solutions.
Schaelin A.
Experiences from cleanroom installations has frequently shown that displacement ventilation has a much higher efficiency than mixing ventilation with respect to particle and CO2 reduction, cooling efficiency etc.
Svensson P., Kristensson D., Kristensson J.
This paper refers to the use of natural ventilation in Portuguese urban housing stock. In order to assess the goodness of natural ventilation design rules defined in a new Portuguese standard, a research project is being carried out.
Viegas J.C., Matias L., Pinto A.
The IAQ characteristics and the corresponding health symptoms and thermal sensation of the occupants of child care centers in Singapore under 3 different ventilation strategies are reported.
Zuraimi MS, Tham KW
This paper provides information of energy efficiency potential of Personalised Ventilation (PV) systems used in conjunction with a secondary Mixing Volume (MV) air-conditioning system in the tropics.
Tham K.W., Sekhar S.C., Cheong D.K.W., Gong N.
The microbiological quality of air was studied in a bread-making factory (100t/day).
Iulia Ionita, Anca Nicolau
The present paper evaluates indoor thermal environment, cooling efficiency and energy consumption between a floor-based system and a ceiling-based system using a mock-up model in cooling period.
Young-Tae Chae, Hyeun-Jun Moon, Seung-Min Lee, Jang-Yeul Sohn
This study presents the results obtained when Computational Fluid Dynamics is applied tocalculating the flow in a domestic kitchen hood at operating conditions.
Abanto J., M. Reggio
This research proposes a method for task area wide-cover personal air conditioning thatprevents a human body in the task area from being exposed to a largely irregular thermal environment.
Yang J.H., Kato S., Chikamoto T.
This study describes an experiment on a Task Unit and reports the results. The Task Unit coolsthe upper half of the body by isothermal air flow and warms the lower half of the body by a radiant panel.
Shoji M., Nobe T., Tanabe S.
The sick house syndrome has become a serious problem in Japan recently. It is important tospecify and quantify the source of chemical pollution.
Tabuchi S., Asai M., Sakai S., Marumoto N., Tanabe S.I.
Pressure loss mechanism at the inflow opening of Cross-Ventilation is studied by detailed analysis of LES results.
Tomoyuki Endo, Takashi Kurabuchi, Masaaki Ohba, Yoshihiko Akamine , Motoyasu Kamata
We performed numerical simulation of the inflow characteristics at an opening by using LES,the standard k- emodel, and the improved k- emodel that was applied Durbins limitation (hereafter, it is described as Durbins k- emodel in this paper).
Yoshihiko Akamine, Takashi Kurabuchi, Masaaki Ohba, Tomoyuki Endo , Motoyasu Kamata
The effect of draughts on the steady thermal stratification established by a localised heat sourceat floor level in a naturally ventilated enclosure with upper and lower openings is considered.
Coffey C.J., Hunt G.R.
The proposed local dynamic similarity model can select an adequate discharge coefficient to match the approaching flow angle. This is an improvement over the conventional orifice flow model where the discharge coefficient is set to a fixed value.
Masaaki Ohba, Takashi Kurabuchi, Tomoyuki Endo , Yoshihiko Akamine , Motoyasu Kamata
