
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The authors recently reported the detailed experimental results on that the discharge coefficient of the openings exposed to the wind driven airflow clearly changes depending upon the windangle and consequent conditions.
Sawachi T., Narita K., Nishizawa S., Seto H., Ishikawa Y.
In this paper a method to solve a design problem of hybrid ventilation system is proposedby building stack pressure around the ventilator using a flat bed, glass-shielded rectangular solarchannel.
J. Guha and S. Holmberg
Natural night ventilation is an energy efficient way to improve thermal summer comfort.Coupled thermal and ventilation simulation tools predict the performances.
Breesch H., Janssens A.
In this study, the houses located in the northern region of Japan had been investigated.
Yoshino Y. ,Yanagisawa Y., Kumagai K., Osawa H., Mitamura T.,Suzuki N., .Mihara K., Okuizumi Y., .Noguchi M.
Tracer gas sorption in and permeation through building materials influence tracer gas ventilation measurements.
Hansson P., Björling M. ,Stymne H.
Carbon dioxide exhaled by people can be used as a tracer gas for air change measurements in homes. Good mixing of tracer gas with room air is a necessary condition to obtain accurate results.
Barankova P., Naydenov K.G., Melikov A.K., Sundell J.
In this paper a new test room for thermofluidynamic measurements is presented.
Grignaffini S., Vallati A.
Carrying out tests on occupied buildings presents several challenges. Typical instrumentation that can be used in unoccupied test cells cannot be used in occupied spaces.
Glicksman L.R.
The segmental equivalent temperature determined by means of a thermal manikin is often correlated with the local thermal sensation of people and is used for indoor environment assessment.
Melikov A. , Janicas N. R. J. , da Silva M. C. G.
Carbon dioxide produced by occupants can be used as a natural tracer gas for analysing air change rates in dwellings. However, a high level of concentration uniformity is necessary for tracer gas measurements.
Barankova P., Naydenov K.G., Melikov A.K., Sundell J.
In this study Particle Streak Velocimetry, PSV, was used to record instantaneous two-dimensional velocities with the help of digital images of streaks created by small water-density particles suspended in the water.
Elvsén P.A., Sandberg M.
Different measurement procedures are available for the experimental assessment of air change rates inside ventilated enclosures.
Heiselberg P., Perino M.
For a specific thermal anemometer with omnidirectional velocity sensor the expanded total uncertainty in measured mean velocity Û(Vmean) and the expanded total uncertainty in measured turbulence intensity Û(Tu) due to different error sources are e
Jørgensen F.E., Popiolek Z., Melikov A.K., Silva M.G.
Experiments have been carried out to measure unsteady velocity fields near the coughing subject (mannequin) and also understand unsteady transport process resulting from this type of transient flow.
Khan T. A., Higuchi H., Marr D. R. , Glauser M. N.
Wind pressure measurements corresponding to the various configurations of a detached houseshould be conducted by wind tunnel tests using a comparatively large geometric scale model because a building of extremely small size is targeted.
Maruta E.
To satisfy the optimal environment in agricultural buildings, much effort is made to controlventilation rate and indoor temperature. However, distribution of fresh air is equally important for animal performance and welfare.
Özcan S.E.,Vranken E., Van Malcot W., Berckmans D.
We present a method capable of measuring the velocity field in a 7.00m x 3.50m plane of a large-scale Rayleigh-Bénard (RB) experiment using an adapted Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique.
du Puits R., Bosbach J., Resagk C., Thess A., Wagner C.
For the zoning room air conditioning strategy to work properly, it is essential that the supply air is delivered in such a way that it does not block the plumes' way from the lower zone to the upper.
Saarinen P., Sandberg E., Koskela H.
The development of a new device for the injection of tracer gas is discussed with the objective of practical application in the field of HVAC airflow measurements.
Rocha Silva A., Clito F. Afonso C.
This paper introduces a manual of thermal comfort in heated rooms.
Müller I., Richter W. , Perschk A.
