
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The work described in this paper formed part of the European UrbVent project on urban ventilation.Measurements of wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature were made at four different heights, inside a pedestrian street canyon in the centre
Ch.Georgakis, M. Santamouris
Top down natural ventilation systems, usually referred to as ‘windcatchers’, have been used recently in modern non-domestic buildings in the UK.
S. Kirk, M. Kolokotroni
The term air conditioning not only prescribes comfort temperature and relative humidity, but also the quality of air inside the room. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become a concomitant of air conditioning.
SA Grace, D Mohan Lal, C. Sharmeela
The aim of this paper is to discuss the impact of the relation between varying indoor and outdoor conditions on the ventilation loads of buildings and to provide HVAC designers with the respective information needed for the optimum dimensioning of
K.T. Papakostas, A.M. Papadopoulos
A methodology is presented for determining the air flow rate through a stack-ventilated single-spacedenclosure bearing a roof-mounted ventilation tower.
Syrios K., Hunt G.R.
This paper introduces a concept of robustness of an air distribution method, which is defined as being capable of meeting the ventilation requirements during varying operational conditions.
Li Y., Sandberg M., Hui S.
A zonal model is an intermediate approach between computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and single-room models. It can give results faster than CFD and be more accurate than single-zone models.
Teshome E.J., Haghighat F.
This paper reports a critical analysis of the assessment of contaminant removal efficiency.
Akoua A.A., Allard F., Behghein C., Collignan B.
In dwellings there is a desire to reduce ventilation heat loss, by reducing uncontrollable air infiltration, at the same time as providing adequate indoor air quality by controllable background ventilation.
Ridley I., Fox J., Oreszczyn T.
This paper reviews the literature for evidence of links between ventilation rates in dwellings and moisture related respiratory health with a particular focus on house dust mites (HDM) and fungal growth.
Davies M., Ucci M., MacCarthy M., Oreszczyn T., Ridley I., Mumovic D., Singh, Pretlove S.
The definition of a good indoor climate is important to the success of a passenger rail coach, not only because it will decide its energy consumption and thus influence its sustainability but also because good comfort for long journeys is essentia
Liu Y., Moser A., Sinai Y.
The airtightness of ventilation ductwork is an important element of the global performance of ventilation systems.
Barles P., Boulanger X., Buseyne S.
Fan-pressurisation method was used to test the air infiltration rate of 191 dwellings in England.
Hong S.H., Ridley I., Oreszczyn T.
The paper describes the development of unsteady pulse pressurisation techniques for measuring the leakage of buildings.
Cooper E.W., Etheridge D.W.
An increasing impact of ventilation and air-conditioning to the total energy consumption of buildings has drawn attention to natural ventilation and passive cooling.
Charvat P., Jicha M., Stetina J.
This study aims at the development of an optimal design tool using a genetic algorithm (GA) andcomputational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Kato S., Lee J.H.
A new thermal comfort guideline for moderate environments has been developed: the ATG guideline. The underlying method distinguishes between ‘type Alpha’ versus ‘type Beta’ buildings to provide for different adaptation effects.
Raue A.K., Boerstra A.C., Van der Linden A.C., Kurvers S.R.
Sheffield City Council in the UK identified some dwellings of non-standard construction that needed to be refurbished.
Sharples S., Goodacre C.
This paper presents aspects of an office renovation project of the Social Insurance Institute (SII), the largest Social Security Organization in Greece.
Koinakis C.J.
It is often discussed about the possibilities that more efficient windows offer to reduce the energy loads in residential buildings.
Zinzi M., Fasano G., Maccari A.
