
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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More than 700 million of measured data, 730 days, 55 dwellings: the HR-VENT hybrid ventilationdemonstration project applied in NANGIS (France) on a set of occupied collective dwellings is closely linked to its stakes.
Siret F., Savin J.L., Jardinier M., Berthin S.
Local control of ventilation in large buildings is considered to be a main issue in energy savings regarding the huge energy losses that are usually induced by such large volumes.
Cordier N., Michel P.
This paper deals with the relevance of Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) results confronted tomeasurements carried out under uncontrolled thermal conditions.
Akoua J.J.A.A., Allard F., Beghein C., Collignan B., Millet J.R.
The Sint-Pieterschurch in the city of Ghent is one of the largest churches of the city. It was built in the 17th century.
De Paepe M., Uyttenhove W., Janssens A.
Steel truss structures, covered with a PVC thin sheet of matt light colour, were used in recent time for the construction of three new classrooms in the University of Catania (southern Italy).
Marletta L., Evola G., Sicurella F.
The Minimum Ventilation Rate standard for dwellings is essential not only to provide occupant health and comfort, but also to remove and dilute the dominant pollutants.
Yoshino H., Murakami S., Akabayashi S.I, Kurabuchi T., Kato S., Tanabe S.I., Ikeda K., Osawa H., Sawachi T., Hukushima A., Adachi M.
In recent years, the housing market in China has expanded tremendously due to economic development. Building envelopes have become more and more airtight because of improvements in building technology and concerns on energy conservation.
Guo L., Chen B., Peng F. Lewis J. Owen
A research project aimed at investigating IAQ and thermal, acoustic and visual comfort was carried out in Italian high school and university classrooms.
Corgnati S.P., Viazzo S.
The paper presents the results of the analysis of the impact of various ventilation systems on indoor air quality and energy consumption, performed for a typical Polish elementary school that was built in 1970s.
Ferdyn-Grygierek J.
This paper addresses the issue of the compliance of residential ventilation systems with building regulations.
Carrié F.R., Garin D.
One of the major sources of problems in dwellings -if not the main source- is moisture, especially due to surface and interstitial condensation on walls and roofs.
Heijmans N., Wouters P., Dobbels F., Houvenaghel G., Vandermarcke B.
COOLHOUSE demonstrates the use of passive cooling techniques in southern regions of Europe which are aimed at giving comfortable summer conditions in domestic scale buildings without using mechanical cooling systems.
Burton S., Fjearem A.
In this paper, the current situation of Portuguese residential buildings in terms of ventilation systems ispresented.
Ferreira M., Corvacho H., Alexandre J.L.
Hybrid ventilation is one promising approach to reduce energy consumption in office buildings. On the one hand, a minimum air change rate is supplied to the rooms, even if the windows are closed.
Pfafefferott J., Herkel S., Knapp U.
The Dutch housing stock consists for about 70% of single family houses with an average N50 of about 7-9 ACH and for 30% of apartments with an average N50 of about 3-4 ACH.New single family houses are much more airtight.
Jacobs P., de Gids W.F., Kornaat W.
To get closer from comfort and energy levels of new buildings conciliating economical viability for the big retrofitting market : the challenge opens the way to the most innovative ventilation systems.
Savin J.L., Jardinier M., Siret F.
An idea to build a demonstration house fitted with a hybrid ventilation system arose when Brno University of Technology joined the RESHYVENT project. There has not been much attention paid to the residential ventilation in the Czech Republic.
Jicha M., Charvat P., De Gids W., Meester A.
The main objective of the demonstration project LabSan is the innovative energetic retrofitting of a research laboratory building (3724 m² net floor area) which can serve as an outstanding and guiding example for a large number of existing laborat
Göttsche J., Gabrysch K., Schiller H., Kauert B., Schwarzer K.
Recent studies in Switzerland showed that in large non residential buildings, which can be compared for typology and ventilation needs, the consumption of electricity for mechanical ventilation can vary considerably from case to case.
Bozzolo D., Gattoni L.P., Laube G.
For retrofitting of existing dwellings MVHR is seldom applied, despite the potential in energy saving and improving thermal comfort and indoor air quality.
Op't Veld P., Roijen E.
