
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A CFD model that incorporates fan-performance characteristics was applied to investigate and compare the air-recirculation performance of the two general designs of unidirectional-flow cleanrooms.
Hu S C, Chuah Y K
This paper aims at comparing calculated and measured air flow distributions inside a naturally ventilated test room.
Eftekhari M M, Marjanovic L D, Pinnock D J
This paper focuses on the degree of flow enhancement achieved by an atrium which is itself ventilated directly by a low-level connection to the exterior.A theoretical model is designed to predict the steady stack-driven displacement flow along wi
Holford J M, Hunt G R
Natural convection in a heated vertical duct is studied in this paper.First experimental study and computer simulations were performed in a scaled down laboratory model.
Letan R, Dubovsky V, Ziskind G
Badly designed stables may affect the animals' health, but it is difficult to design a stable with acceptable ventilation rates and indoor comfort without the right tools or guidelines.For the design of animal housing facilities, the authors used
Mathews E H, Arndt D C
In that study, Volatile Organic Compounds levels found in two tropical office buildings are analysed.
Zuraimi M S, Tham K W, Sekhar S C
There is a relationship between geometric room parameters and the air flow patterns produced by mechanical ventilation systems.
Posner J.D., Buchanan C.R., Dunn-Rankin D.
A large opening has to be designed at the bottom of a Void (light-well in high-rise apartment building) in order to keep the indoor air quality (IAQ) acceptable, because of the exhaust gas discharge of the gas water-heater.
Kotani H., Satoh R., Yamanaka T.
A numerical investigation has been made on the effect of thermal and mass buoyancy forces on the development of laminar mixed convection between vertical parallel plates with uniform wall heat and mass fluxes.
Salah El-Din M.
The notion of comfort is not easy to define.
Rutman E.
Today the term of comfort includes the different aspects of indoor air quality, thermal, acoustical and visual comfort.Standardisation working groups have already worked in those different fields, and some standards already exist but it will certa
Bernard A.M.
The technical literature very often refers to the international standard ISO 7730.
Cadiergues R.
A heatlhy environment at work has become a real preoccupation.
Rio A.
Three experiments aiming at improving the atmosphere in industrial premices are described in this paper.
Lazzarotto A.
In France, air quality in working areas is a matter of preoccupation for both the industry and the welfare state, that is in charge with the application of the rules and regulations in that field.
Dessagne J.M.
Up to now, the use of a single HVAC unit to handle ventilation along with mechanical cooling was the aim of designers : it permitted to curb the cost of a building's mechanical system.
Morris W.
This paper is a report on humidity control in schools mainly located in hot and humid climates : according to the US Department of Energy's investigation, most of them, use packaged cooling equipments that are not able to manage space humidit
Fischer J.C., Bayer C.W.
An effective and successful O&M (operation and maintenance) program for schools begins at the very start of the project and not at its facility completion : key design issues must be covered during planning and design phases.
Flach R.; Dorgan C.B.
In this article the author gives some guidelines and techniques to conduct IAQ investigations at low cost for school staff with small budgets : first he advises occupant interviews, followed by a physical survey of the premices.
Garrison P.T.
Air quality in conditioned spaces can be improved even in humid locations, in Florida.
Khattar M; Don Shirey; Raustad R.
