
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Compact ventilation appliances appeared on the market for solar passive houses. They include a heat pump to transfer heat from ventilation exhaust air to fresh air and/or domestic hot water.
Bühring A., Voss K., Schmitz G.
Compact ventilation appliances appeared on the market for solar passive houses. They include a heat pump to transfer heat from ventilation exhaust air to fresh air and/or domestic hot water. This article is the second part of a serie of two.
Bühring A., Voss K., Schmitz G.
Dynamic simulation calculations were operated using TRNSYS software applied to a low energy house, fitted with a balanced mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery.
Lüdemann B, Schmitz G.
Dynamic simulation calculations were operated using TRNSYS software applied to a low energy house. This article is the second one of a serie of two. The first one was dealing with ventilation.
Lüdemann B, Schmitz G.
This article describes the physical mechanisms leading to broadband noise from axial fans.
Schneider M., Carolus T.
Measurements results are compared with calculations for predicting the broadband noise from low and high pressure axial fans.
Schneider M., Carolus T.
A low energy office building in Frankfurt (Germany) with water heating/cooling from ceilings was submitted to detailed measurements during two years, in the frame of a demonstration project.
Humm O.
This article shows results of air quality measurements (airborne moulds, microbes and particles) operated in summer and winter in an hospital in Japan.
Tanaka T, Kuriyama E.
Laser Doppler anemometry was applied to an axial fan. Results give access to a detailed knowledge of air flows, useful for optimizing the fan geometry.
reichert E, Strehle M, Bohl K
The article describes the advantages of heating designed as a system.
Meier-Wiechert G.
In the UK, the pressure to improve fire prevention in catering establishments has for some years come largely from the insurance industry. Kitchen operators needed to better manage their extract ventilation systems.
CEN/STAR establishes needs for co-normative and pre-normative research in support to CEN standardization.
Durier F., Le Vaguerese P.
As part of the European SAVE project ENPER, an international workshop on the implementation of the European Energy Performance Directive (EPD) was organised in Brussels on May, 19. Some 115 delegates from 21 countries attended this workshop.
Wouters P., Bowie R., Dacosta A., Engelund Thomson K, Roger MC, Erhon H, Maldonado E., Strong D., Wilberforce R.,Van Dijk D., Visier JC.
Basic requirements for healthy environments were well established before 1850 and implemented during the next 100 years as a vital condition for the remarkable improvements of general health and living standard in our welfare states.It is sad to o
Bakke J.V.
The aim of this study was to find out the effectiveness of equipment used to prevent cold air flows in the wind boxes of commercial buildings and super markets. Measurements were carried out in 14 buildings at the total of 42 work sites.
Valkeapää A.
The paper presents a numerical study on the airflow within a single-sided heated room with a large vertical opening, with and without interaction of an air curtain.
Tömstroöm T, Mosfegh B
Natural convection, which arises around an occupant by his own metabolic heat, plays an important role in convection heat dissipation of the body in a room environment.
Homma H, Huda L, Matsubara N, Phonesavanh
This paper presents the configuration and some experimental performance data for an improved, custom designed heat recovery & air conditioning retrofitting system, developed for a hospital located in a Canadian cold-climate environment.
Minea V
This paper presents a number of advantages (both practical and thermodynamic) of ceiling heating systems compared to under-floor heating.
Gundersen P.
