
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In air-based systems, ducts deliver heat and cool air to conditioned spaces. Taking extra time to properly seal ducts during the installation along with repairing and patching leaks in HVAC duct systems will save cooling, heating and fan energy.
Hamilton S.D., Roth K.W., Brodrick J.
A good indoor air quality is necessary to minimize exposure to airborne pollutants. The main source of those pollutants is often outdoor air.
Jamriska M.,Morawska L., Ensor D.S.
The model estimations aimed at identifying the most important parameters that determine air change rate along with predicting the indoor radon concentration to be expected in new Dutch dwellings under different ventilation conditions.Measurements
Janssen M.P.M.
The impact of the concentration of pollutants in the air on emissions from building materials is the subject of that study.Different building materials were studied in ventilated small-scale test chambers.
Sakr W., Knudsen H.N., Gunnarsen L., Haghighat F.
It is a basic biological truth that people bring different levels of responsiveness to irritant stimuli to work.
Hodgson MD.
DVC is a new energy saving technology, buildings that use a DVC strategy use CO2 sensors that measure and regulate the amount of outdoor air supplied to the space.Standards and local building codes have been slow to adopt it.Available data suggest
Roth K.W., Dieckmann J. , Brodrick J.
The purpose of that study was to quantify the effect of the variables (previously identified during the first phase of that study conducted from 1999 to 2002) concerning smoking room performance under controlled laboratory conditions.In a test cha
Alevantis L., Wagner J., Fisk W., Sullivan D., Faulkner D., Gundel L., Waldman J., Flessel P.
This article aims at precising the difference between Underfloor air distribution (UFAD) and Displacement Ventilation (DV) systems, though they both use supply air delivered into a room or space from an access floor.This article presents each syst
McDonell G.
The investigation was made in a Finnish building built for people with respiratory diseases. During 3 years the main indoor air parameters were measured.
Tuomainen M., Tuomaine A., Liesivuori J., Pasanen A.L.
This paper asks questions about what is the right tightness and a warns against too tight tightness guidelines.The author gives advice :- A tight building envelope should reduce average natural infiltration (due to wind and temperature) to 0.05 t
Cummings J.B.
Variable Air Volume system use VAV boxes that serve open areas for five or more occupants, each zone is controlled with a single space temperature sensor.
Hartman T.
This article discusses how to integrate all air-to-air devices into an HVAC system that may contain one or more air-to-air exchangers as well as conventional components for ventilation and comfort control.HVAC systems with air-to-air exchangers ne
Besant R., Simonson C.
Thermal comfort variables were measured in Singapore mechanically ventilated classrooms. In parallel the cccupants filled questionnaires on their perception of the indoor climate.
Wong N.H., Khoo S.S.
The development of indoor air quality was studied in three newly finished buildings in Helsinki, Finland during the years 2000-2002.
Järnström H., Saarela K.
Maintenance of air-conditioning systems is acknowledged as an important means to run HVAC-systems properly. Although several maintenance programs and standards exist, not many systems are maintained in a proper way.
Müller Birgit
The aim of that study was to develop a fuzzy controller for naturally ventilated buildings.
Eftekhari M.M., Marjanovic L.D.
Ventilation systems designed for a constant air volume (CAV) provide fresh air in office buildings. It means that very often huge amounts of energy can be wasted on ventilating empty offices.
Mysen M., Rydock J.P., Tjelflaat P.O.
This study concerns single-sided natural ventilation by using a CFD model, along with analytical and empirical models.
Allocca C., Qingyan C, Glicksman L.R.
This article compares the requirements for mechanical ventilation systems in the new German regulation on energy savings (EnEV 2002) with those contained in the previous regulation (named WSchV 1995).
Stergiaropoulos K.
Experiments were operated to estimate the influence of temperature and humidity on the perception of odours in the air by trained and untrained persons .
Böttcher O.
