
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The airflows of rooms are different with the ventilation methods, indoor heat sources distribution, as well as room structures themselves.
Li An-Gui, Bu Z., Zhang Q., Jones P.
This paper is concerned with the different methods to present inlet condition for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of task air conditioning (TAC).
Duanmu L., Haiwen S, Guofu D
We designed a roofed parking lot for a large wholesale market in Sapporo City to protect trucks and cars from snow and rain. Every day, the area attracts a large number of vehicles including trucks.
Enai M, Hayama H., Mori T, Tatematsu K
Every city or town has a market to supply fresh food to its residents. A market has the function of displaying fresh food, auctioning it, and supplying it to consumers.
Hayama H, Enai M, Mori T, Takase T.
For energy savings, DCV systems are more and more used on ventilation systems. In France, in non residential buildings, these systems are generally controlled by either a CO2 sensor, or an optical movement detection (infrared).
Bernard AM, Villenave JG, Lemaire MC
In this study the performance of a double-skin façade in an office building equipped with a hybrid ventilation system was analyzed.
Heinonen J., Vuolle M.
To obtain stable control of VAV systems, many considerations must be accommodated properly. Local and central control loops affect each other in ways that in many cases can lead to problems of poor control and even instability.
Sorensen B.R.
The paper describes a system solution developed in Sweden for domestic buildings with pre-cast concrete units where the floor consists of a 0,06 meter thick concrete slab with a framework casted into the slab and a beam.
Mathisen H.M.
A question raised about displacement ventilation, is whether floor heating can be utilised without disturbing the thermal stratification in the room.
Skistad H.
Even though simulation is being increasingly used in design of modern buildings, the full potential of simulation is usually not achieved.
Holst J.N., Novakovic V., Kolsaker K.
Even in cold climates, offices normally need to be cooled due to the internal heat loads from people, equipment and lighting. Either a chilled ceiling or chilled beams with cooled water as medium or chilled air can be used.
Johansson D.
This paper shows that well proved state-of-the-art technology can be utilized to keep annual average energy consumption in office buildings below 130 kWh/m2, which is well below today's average, without compromising any major functional or ar
Hannevold B.
This paper shows that it is possible to calculate the optimal outdoor air rate at different outdoor temperatures in the economiser cycle.
Jönsson Arne
In low energy dwellings the ventilation heat losses are significant. Reduction of these heat losses can be achieved by introducing demand controlled ventilation i.e. ventilation rates are set below normal level when rooms are no longer occupied.
Römer J.C., Van Ginkel J.T.
The CEN TC 156 / WG2 (ventilation for residential buildings) has prepared a new European draft for the test method of Heat Recovery Units (prEN 13141-7). This method should ensure a common way of testing these units all over Europe.
Nyman M., Guedel A., Bernard AM
Using performance characteristics of balanced ventilation units tested in laboratory of CETIAT, a complete ventilation system in an individual house is modelised, in details.
Barles P, Bernard AM.
The authors have proposed a system for stabilizing air temperature using direct heat exchange between granulated phase change materials (PCM) and air.
Nagano K, Takeda S., Mochida T, Shimakura K
In summer, most areas in Japan are hot and humid. Hokkaido Island, which is the most northern part of Japan, is the only exception.
Nagano K., Hayashi K., Mochida T.
DEVELOPMENT OF A PCM AIR FILTER AND ITS APPLICATION TO A CONSTANT The authors have developed a PCM air filter which stabilizes the temperature of air passing though it.
Nagano K., Katsura T., Shimakura K., Takeda S., Mochida T., Yamaguchi N.
This paper intends to answer the folllowing question : Why a laboratory on Indoor Air technology ?Some good reasons are that the HVAC sector in Norway is facing an increasingly difficult situation :.
Aarlien R., Hanssen S.O.
