
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Describes the principle of ground heat exchangers for outside fresh air, giving indications about their design rules and their energy performance, as well as recommendations for their hygienic operation.
Betz M
The question is if the dedicated outdoor air systems can meet ASHRAE's air change design criteria. The standard 62 air change per hour design criteria does not inhibit the use of a separate constant volume ventilation air system (DOAS).
Mumma S.A.
This paper deals with the comparison of two kind of methods for cleaning of air ducts. One is mechanical brushing with different brushes and the second one with compressed air cleaning.
Holopainen R., Asikainen V, Tuomainen M., Björkroth M., Pasanen P., Seppänen O.
The use of humidistats to control air conditioners may create mold problems mainly in houses unoccupied for an extended period. This article looks for the best approach to control humidity in empty homes during hot and humid summers.
Cummings J.B.
The intent of this paper is to show that using Equation 6-1 from ASHRAE standard 62 based on occupancy is a non sense if used as a control algorithm in so far as up to now no sensors can physically count each individual in the space.
Kettler J.
Several configurations of air to air ERHXs exist, they include heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators.
Dieckmann J., Roth K.W., Brodrick J.
Thermal comfort is a concept quite complex that uses various phenomena, so the methods chosen for its evaluation are different according to the aspects one is interested in.
Thellier F., Monchoux F., Serin G.
The human body is a thermal machine, immersed in air. In this paper, the thermoregulation of the body is presented and explained. Due to its thermoregulation, the body ensures its independent activity, regardless the outer temperatures.
Dittmar A., Delhomme G., Pauchard T.
Through the body is thermally neutral, it does not mean that there is a constant or equal thermo-equilibrium all over the body.
Candas V.
MARSIAN (Modular Autonomous Recorder System for the measurement of Autonomic Nervous System activity) is an ambulatroy measurement and monitoring portable system designed for the evaluation of emotional and sensorial reactions, especially in case
Axisa F., Dittmar A., Delhomme G., Robin O. , Collet C, Brun L., Schwenzfeier L., Moreau S., Gandemer J., Palier P., Weber J.L., Blanc D., Comet B., Corroy C., Noury N., Bagaï R., Vaysse S., Blinowska A.
The ambiometer is a tool that allows both the recording of physical parameters of comfort and sensations of the occupant.The method developed is based on field investigations of four components of comfort : thermal, acoustic, visual and olfactory
Ribéron J.
In the EDF comfort-laboratory, realistic environmental chambers have been designed, furnished and decorated like offices and flats.
Evin F.
This paper deals with thermal comfort as part of the dynamic interaction between people and their environment. The comfort temperature is continuously changing.
Nicol F.
The dispersion of contaminants in an office environment has been investigated.
Cheong K.W.D., Djunaedy E., Poh T.K., Tham K.W., Sekhr S.C., Wong N.H., Ullah M.B.
Objective measurement, CFD modelling and subjective assessment have been used in that study to evaluate the thermal comfort of an air-conditoned lecture theatre in the tropics.
Cheong K.W.D., Djunaedy E., Chua Y.L.., Tham K.W., Sekhr S.C., Wong N.H., Ullah M.B.
An effective sensor for thermal comfort index is necessary for a successful comfort index-based HVAC control system. A comfort sensor with a new structure is proposed in this paper.
Guodong Ye, Changzhi Yang, Youming Chen, Yuguo Li
This paper describes a new tool, ils architecture and its predictive performance. BACH is a computational tool for air flow simulation in and around buildings in the early stages of the design process.
Nyuk Hien Wong, Ardeshir Mahdavi, Jayada Boonyakiat , Khee Poh Lam
The objective of the European project AIRLESS was to develop strategies, principles and protocols to improve and control the performance of HVAC systems and their components to be incorporated in codes and guidelines.This paper is a sum-up fo the
Bluyssen P.M, Cox C., Seppänen O, De Oliveira Fernades E., Clausen G., Müleer B., Roulet C.A.
The nesting of a new zonal model within a multizone model has allowed an increased resolution in the prediction of local air flow velocities, temperature and concentration distributions between rooms and within rooms.
Stewart J., Ren Z.
This paper describes a numerical model that takes into account the indoor air moisture and its transport by the airflow, within an enclosure.
Teodosia C., Hohota R., Rusaouën G., Woloszyn M.
