
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The European interdisciplinary group of researchers have reviewed 70 papers and selected 8 studies for their final review.
Schneider T., Sundell J., Bischof W., Bohgard M., Cherrie JW,Clauser , Dreborg S., Kildeso J., Kaergaard SK, Lovik M., Pasanen P, Skyberg
This paper is a review and an exploration of the literature on indoor air quality in schools and the reported health problems related to it.The aim of that review was to identify health symptoms the most commonly reported in schools ;then to sum-
Daisey J.M., Angell W.J., Apte M.G.
This paper is the investigation of two approaches for describing the details of air-flow in large indoor spaces.
Mora L., Gadgil A.J., Wurtz E.
Istis normally assumed by designers that all pollutants in a displacement ventilation system follow the buoyant air flow into an upper zone, where they are evacuated.
Holmberg S, Chen Q.
The inhabitants of Central Europe spend more of their time indoors. And indoor pollutants often affect human health more than the outdoor pollutants.
Franck U, Herbarth O., Wehner B., Wiedensohler A., Manjarrez M.
Five methods of sampling lead dust where tested for that study in 33 New Jersey homes of children with blood problems.Samples were collected on the carpets of the different homes.
Bai Z., Yiin LM., Rich DQ., Adgate JL., Ashley PJ., Lioy PJ., Zhang J.
This study was carried out in nearly two hundred multi-family buildings, built before 1961, in Stockholm. Three thousand inhabitants answered first a questionnaire on symptoms and personal factors.
Engvall K., Norrby C., Norbäck D.
The aim of this study was to test the following hypthesis : in schools, bacterial markers may be increased in indoor air because of the presence of children.Dust samples were collected from the school rooms when occupied but also when unoccupied d
Fox A., Harley W., Feigley C., Salzberg D., Sebastian A., Larsson L.
The RAGENA model of radon takes into account all the parameters and processes affecting radon levels (in the source, its transport, its entry into a dwelling and its accumulation indoors).The model has been tested in a mediterranean house.
Font L., Baixeras C.
Usually only primary emissions from building products are measured. That study takes into account potential secondary emissions due to oxidation with ozone.
Knudsen H.N., Nielsen P.A., Clausen P.A., Wilkins C.K., Wolkoff P.
Accurate mathematical models of airborne infection are needed to estimate the risk from secondary transmission of biological warfare agents.
Rudnick S.B., Milton D.K.
A questionnaire study (on ventilation, surface materials, heating and cooling) was performed on 3562 employees working in 32 buildings without previously known indoor air problems.The associations between symptom prevalence and building characteri
Skyberg K., Skulberg K.R., Eduard W., Skaret E., Levy F., Kjuus H.
This paper is a presentation of a methodology for developing responses to sudden releases of toxic pollutants in buildings.
Sohn M.D., Sextro R.G., Gadgil A.J., Daisey J.M.
This paper intends to resolve the spatial and temporal variation of VOC concentrations in apartments.
Rehwagen M., Schlink U., Herbarth O.
This paper proposes a space zone model for the calculation of all the airflow parameters based on tracer gas measurements, including flow rates of outdoor air, VAV supply.
Horace K.W.Mai, Daniel W.T. Chan, John Burnett
One of the major means of air diffusion for air conditioning equipment is the displacement ventilation.
Morisseau C., Rignac JP, Vurpillot C., Rousset J.L.
The changes in occurrence and the distribution of airborne fungi when they are transported in the airstream from the outdoor air to the indoor air are not well-known.
Kemp PC, Neumeister-Kemp HG, Esposito B, Lysek G, Murray F.
Carbon dioxide concentration, indoor air temperature and relative air humidity are studied in 7 schools with natural ventilation systems, during 58 days on one year. The results show that the level of 1500 ppm of CO2 is exceeded in 39 days.
Grams H, Hehl O, Dressman J
This article defines a new air-exchange efficiency that takes into account the occupancy in each zone.. Cases studies are then described and show that the new efficiency can better evaluate the ventilation effect of the room.
Zhao B, Li X, Yang J
In this study, associations between concentration levels of airborne particles and fungi were examined in 14 houses in Brisbane.
Hargreaves M, Parappukkaran S, Morawska L, Hitchins J, He C, Gi D
