
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Recently indoor air quality (IAQ) became an important issue and as a result researchers have developed a large number of different air quality indicators.
Novoselac A, Srebric J.,
Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) integrated with ceiling radiant cooling panels as a parallel sensible cooling system are being considered as an alternative to conventional variable air volume (VAV) systems for commercial buildings because of
Jeong J.W, Mumma S.A., Bahnfleth W.P.
This paper describes a fault detection method developed for application to variable-air-volume (VAV) boxes.
Schein J., House J.M.
A adaptive controller was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to support the conflation of CFD with dynamic whole building thermal simulation.
Beausoleil-Morrison I., Clarke J.
The impact of infiltration and ventilation flows on energy use in commercial buildings has received limited attention.
McDowell T.P., Emerich S., Thornton J.W., Walton G.
This paper presents the objectives and results of the initial stage of an ongoing research project on coupling of building energy simulation (BES), airflow network (AFN), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) programs.
Djunaedy E, Hensen J.L.M., Loomans M.G.L.C.
Several thermal building simulators also allow coupled modeling of bulk air movements using airflow network models.However, solving the combined flow and thermal problem can be problematic, both in the context of traditional building simulators an
Sahlin P.
The infiltration term in the building energy balance equation is one of the least understood and most difficult to model.
Deru M.P., Burns P.J.
This research evaluated the effectiveness of local supply ventilation in controlling air quality at or near workers’ breathing zones in livestock confinement buildings.
Jerez S.B., Maghirang R.G.
Air age is an important index to evaluate indoor air quality in ventilated rooms. The traditional definition of air age is limited to the indoor part (i.e., the air age at the inlets of air supply diffusers is assumed to be zero).
Li D, Li X, Yang X, Dou C.
A new generally applicable model for calculating the surface emissions of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from building materials and the VOC instantaneous distributions in the materials is developed.
Xu Y., Zhang Y., Cheng T.
Direct comparison measurements were made between various prime/storm window combinations and a well-weatherstripped, single-hung replacement window with a low-e selective glazing.
Klems J.H.
This paper focuses on the experimental research of developing models to effectively predict the dynamic whole body and local thermal comfort under highly transient conditions. Two approaches were taken subsequently.
Guan Y., Hosni M.H., Jones B.W., Gielda T.P.
This paper focuses on the mathematical modeling of dynamic human thermal comfort under highly transient conditions for automotive applications. A combined physiological and psychological modeling approach was taken.
Guan Y., Hosni M.H., Jones B.W., Gielda T.P.
Fountain and Huizenga (1995) conducted a comprehensive literature review of thermal comfort models. Significant advances in thermal comfort modeling have been achieved since that review.
Guan Y., Hosni M.H., Jones B.W., Gielda T.P.
This paper presents the main findings of Project HIT.2000.25 supported by the Scientific Research Foundation of Harbin Institute of Technology, a field study of indoor climates and occupant comfort in 66 residential buildings in Harbin, located in
Wang Z.J., Wang G., Lian L.M
The purpose of the current study is to compare experimental thermal comfort results with those predicted by the Fanger model.
Chamra L.M., Steele W.G., Huynh K.
The author points out the importance of a good selection of the dimensions of swirl air diffusers, using data provided by the manufacturers. It also gives information about the method for deciding of their number and position in the room.
Wildeboer W
The article discusses the design of the system with heat recovery to be used for the ventilation/air conditioning of a swimming pool building, in which air reaches high temperatures and humidities.
Doek H, Röben J
Using results from dynamic simulations, the article compares the energy consumption for the air conditioning of an industrial building with mixing and displacement ventilation.
Schraps S
