
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This study deals with the ventilation performance of two storey dwellings employing stack effect ventilation to satisfy the overall ventilation requirement. The SRF (Supply Rate Fulfillment) index was used as a ventilation performance index.
Tajima M., Sawachi T., Okabe M.
Major ventilation developments covering systems, measurements and design methods have taken place over the last 25 years. Our understanding about the impact of ventilation on the indoor environment and energy use has also evolved.
Liddament M.W.
This paper sums up the evolution of the AIVC technical programme over the past 25 years with its main subjects of interest and its main productions (guides, handbooks, technical notes, database, literature reviews).The communication between resear
De Gids W.
From AIC to AIVC changes have occured with increased awareness of the role of ventilation. AIVC will have to continuously evaluate changes in society and technology in order to stay attractive and useful for its target groups.
Wouters P.
Ventilation towers are often incorporated into the design of naturally-ventilated buildings. These towers increase the physical height of the building and thereby potentially enhance the buoyancy-induced air velocity.
G.R. Hunt , K. Syrios
This research grows out of a desire to find a Solar-Wind Generated Roof Ventilation System for low-cost dwellings located in high building density urban areas where horizontal air movement is restricted.
Prasasto Satwiko
Heat loss monitoring from a thermal manikin was undertaken representing an occupant in a classroom during a lesson period of 80 minutes in which the room temperature was increased from 21 to 24C for various airflow velocity configurations.
H. Wigö , H. O. Nilsson
The non-uniform behaviour of the air inside a room, which is important in comfort analysis, can be evaluated by zonal models.
L. Mora, E. Wurtz, K. Cordeiro Mendonça, C. Inard
Railway platform spot cooling has become an increasingly attractive means to improve thermal comfort conditions of existing subway stations. This paper presents a systematic approach to evaluate the effectiveness of platform spot cooling.
Kai Kang
To accurately estimate the natural ventilation of outdoor spaces surrounded by low-rise buildings using a wind tunnel requires correct representation of the natural wind regime combined with appropriately scaled building models and testing method.
Bin Su
This paper reviews the current literature on discharge coefficients (CD) of openings and compares different studies for wind-driven cross-ventilation.
P. Karava, T. Stathopoulos , A.K. Athienitis
It is only fairly recently that scientific and public concerns have focused on the probable health risk that the presence of air pollutants can cause in residential or non-industrial buildings.
A. Avgelis, A.M.Papadopoulos
The aim of that guidebook (74 pp), published by REHVA is to provide a clear analysis of the definitions of ventilation effectiveness and to present case study examples
Mundt E., Mathisen H.M., Nielsen P.V., Moser A.
Natural ventilation is one of the most effective passive cooling techniques.
Santamouris M.
Addressing successful solutions to counterbalance the energy and environmental effects of air conditioning is a strong requirement for the future.
Santamouris M.
A heat recovery unit transfers heat (some units also moisture) from the exhaust air stream over to the supply air stream, thus reducing the heat loss due to ventilation, and reducing the need to condition the cold supply air.
Schild P.G.
If the building envelope is not airtight enough, significant amounts of energy may be lost due to exfiltrating air, or damage to structural elements may occur due to condensation.
Dorer V., Tanner C., Weber A.
In the past and still often today, building regulations and standards don't reflect the state-of-the art with respect to the performance assessment of buildings in terms of energy use and indoor climate.
Wouters P.
An intentional or accidental large-scale airborne toxic release (e.g. terrorist attacks or industrial accidents) can cause severe harm to nearby communities.
Chan W.R., Price P.N. , Gadgil A.J.
This best practices guide for residential HVAC system retrofits is aimed at contractors who want guidance on delivering energy efficient, cost effective and innovative products.
Walker, I.S.
