
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper presents the development of a zone model adapted to the study of the influence of the sensor position in building thermal control. The temperature measured by the sensor of a room temperature controller depends on its position in the zo
P. Riederer, D. Marchio, J. C. Visier, A. Husaunndee, R. Lahrech
Energy demand of different glazing materials and light control systems for office spaces are analyzed in this paper.
Franco Gugliermetti, Luciano Santarpia and Fabio Bisegna
To  meet  the  requirements  of  building  owners  and users in environmental issues, life cycle assessment (LCA) has become an important method to monitor the ecological perspective during design and decision making processes.
Tuomas Laine, Erja Reinikainen, Kimmo Liljeström and Antti Karola
A key barrier to the acceptance of simulation within building design has been identified as the fact that it is not fully integrated into the design process.
Christoph Morbitzer, Paul Strachan, Jim Webster, Brian Spires, David Cafferty
The  paper  presents  a  dynamic  approach  of  the validation process of existing building simulation model.
Roberge Marc-Antoine, Kajl Stanislaw, Bellemare René
This paper proposed two simulation methods of the “Cooperation control “. The Cooperation control is defined the optimize connecting control in the HVAC, artificial lighting and day-lighting combined with venetian blind control. The  first  method
Satsuki Yoneda, Takashi Kurio, Minoru Yoshida, Takaharu Kawase, Mutsuo Honma, Tamio Ito
When modernist architecture in the tropics started in the 30´of the 20th century, air-conditioning systems and special glazing were not yet available.
Michael Laar
With increasing demands for electric power in large commercial buildings the problem of magnetic interference to sensitive equipment has increased. However, low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic interference is not generally addressed in the design 
John Burnett and Yaping Du
In   this   work,   the   results   obtained   during   the monitoring of a building together with the adjustment curves achieved with the numeric simulation program SIMEDIF are presented.
Alejandro Hernandez, Nahuel Salvo, Marcelo Gea, Graciela Lesino
The measured thermal behavior of a massive building that uses passive techniques for indoor air conditioning is presented. The building thermal transient behavior was simulated with SIMEDIF code.
Silvana Flores Larsen, Alejandro Hernández, Graciela Lesino and Nahuel Salvo
In the last seven years, a method has been developed to analyse building energy performance using simulation, in Brazil.
A. Pedrini, R. Lamberts
The Energy and Environmental Prediction (EEP) model is an environmental auditing and decision making tool for cities, to be used by planners and others in pursuit of sustainable development.
P J Jones, S Lannon, and J Williams
This paper describes the development and validation of a simulation model for Advanced Integrated Mechanical Systems (AIMS) destined for residential applications.
Michel Parent, Jeffrey Blake, Kamel Haddad
The  important  variation  of  the  urban  morphology has direct effects on the disparity of the outdoor climates, as well as indoor climates.
Luc Adolphe
We give an overview of how windows are modeled in the EnergyPlus whole-building energy simulation program. Important features include layer-by-layer input of custom glazing, ability to accept spectral or spectral-averaged glass optical properties,
Frederick C. Winkelmann
Advances  in  psychoacoustics  through  the  years, have made it possible to evaluate the acoustical quality of a room, based on several numerical parameters that have been developed.
Marcio A. Gomes and Samir N. Y. Gerges
The present  work  deals with  the  determination  of a mathematical correlation for conductivity in the fully water-saturated state in  terms  of  dry-basis conductivity and porosity.
Nathan Mendes, Celso P. Fernandes, Paulo C. Philippi and Roberto Lamberts
This  paper  presents  the  multiple-view performance assessment of an existing office building undertaken with an integrated application.
Citherlet S.
This paper discusses the first full version of IDEA-l, a new natural-lighting design tool for the early stages of the architectural design process.
Benjamin Geebelen and Herman Neuckermans
