
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Computer models used to predict building heating and cooling energy and occupant thermal comfort at present rely on climate data collected at a remote meteorological station.
Terry J. Williamson1 and Evyatar Erel
Just in time for the 25th anniversary a new version of the international well-known simulation tool TRNSYS is released: TRNSYS 15.
M. Hiller, S. Holst, A.Knirsch, M. Schuler
This    paper    summarizes    the    recently concluded PhD study by the first author. The study addressed uncertainties in building performance evaluations and their potential impact on design decisions.
Sten de Wit, Godfried Augenbroe
In civil engineering there is an increasing demand for calculation methods to assess the moisture behaviour of building components.
Andreas Holm and Hartwig M. Kuenzel
Two  prototype  office  buildings  with  low  internal gains were simulated using DOE2 software  to evaluate its energy consumption in different urban microclimates.
Joyce Carlo and Roberto Lamberts
This work deals with the use of the thermal simulation COMFIE tool, in the research project developed at Londrina State University / PR.
Miriam J. Barbosa, Juliano Sakamoto, Andrea Zeballos Adachi, Jorge D. de Melo Moura
The  paper  describes  case  study  of  application  of computer simulation in the field of operational energy costs distribution in the building  with variable operation and no possibility of direct energy consumption measuring.
Karel Kabele, Lada Centnerova, Zuzana Krtkova
The    application    of    model-based    performance assessment at the whole building level is explored.
Philip Haves, Tim Salsbury, David Claridge, Mingsheng Liu
This paper provides an overview of how building simulation is used to support a Canadian Govern- ment energy-efficient incentive programme.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Rob Calla, Maria Mottillo, Julia Purdy, Paul Wyndham-Wheeler, Phylroy Lopez, Francois Dubrous, Mike Lubun
Despite  discussions  of  the  universal  workstation, there is increasing workplace dynamics in organizations. These dynamics include space configuration changes, changes in occupant density, and increasing equipment density.
R. Ries, A. Mahdavi, V. Loftness, G. Steffy, A. Nahikian
This paper refers to the existence of the variety modes and 'Chaos' in building natural ventilation or smoke venting, systems, and provides the some computational instances by means of the network model.
Katsumichi Nitta
This paper deals with the development and the testing of a simulation algorithm for the temperature behaviour and the flow characteristics of double façades.
Jörn von Grabe, Rüdiger Lorenz, Ben Croxford
This paper describes novel high-performance visualization techniques for reviewing time dependent data common to building simulation.
Daniel C.Glaser, M. Susan Ubbelohde
People will never live in a risk free environment. Still we must aim at minimizing all risks and most importantly risks that are imposed on without their consent or even knowledge.
Jantunnen M.J., Luxembourg
This work deals with experimental investigations on human reaction to local air movements of people in global thermal comfort, performing light activity.
Todde V
R-2000 Homes have specific requirements for mechanical ventilation, usually incorporating heat recovery ventilators. Performance testing was carried out on 12 residential heat recovery ventilators in 1984, representing the range of equipment
Edwards P, McGugan C A
