
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The software DOMUS has been developed to model coupled heat and moisture transfer in multi-zone buildings.
Nathan Mendes, Ricardo C.L.F. de Oliveira and Gerson H. dos Santos
We describe a mathematical model applied to analysis of hygrothermal behavior of buildings.
Nathan Mendes and Gerson H. dos Santos
There is a need for Dutch design support tools for building services that can be used in early design stages. TNO Building and Construction Research has therefore initiated the research project described here.
Ellie de Groot, Wim Maassen and Wim Plokker
The combinations of parameter effecting optimum energy consumption and good open view for designing side-window of office buildings are proposed.
S. Chungloo, B. Limmeechokchai and S. Chungpaibulpatana
This paper describes the energy performance of an underground thermal energy storage system that consists of high efficiency heat pump and Borehole- Heat-Exchangers (BHE).
Hiroshi Ohga and Kenji Mikoda
A new building energy simulation program developed under support from the US government was released in April 2001.
Drury B. Crawley, Linda K. Lawrie, Frederick C. Winkelmann, Curtis O. Pedersen
The    eXtensible Markup Language (XML)  has recently become  the W3C  Standard      for commu nicating   data   over   the   Internet.
Krishnan Gowri
Computer  simulation  Of  measurement  methods  can give in-depth information on the possible effect of a wide variety of parameters on measurement results.
Achim Geissler
Estimating  relative  humidity  from  outdoor  air temperature and humidity, and indoor air temperature is a means to assess thermal comfort conditions when indoor relative humidity is not available.
Eduardo L. Krüger
A. Suleiman, Y. Le Maoult, J.P. Arcens, A. Trombe
This paper presents the results from the experimental and numerical study of a room with mixing ventilation, focused on the local mean age of air (LMA). The measurements were performed using the tracer gas concentration decay method.
M. Bartak, M. Cermak, J.A. Clarke, J. Denev, F. Drkal, M. Lain, I. A. Macdonald, M. Majer, P. Stankov
A flow responsive algorithm was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to advance the modelling of internal surface convection.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
To provide practitioners with the means to tackle problems related to poor indoor environments, building simulation and computational fluid dynamics can usefully be integrated within a sin- gle computational framework. This paper describes the out
I. Beausoleil-Morrison, J. A. Clarke, J. Denev, I.A. Macdonald, A. Melikov, P. Stankov
A  structured,  generalized  modeling  and  simulation software is described that enables development and analysis of control algorithms and systems and pre- diction of thermal performance and energy use in buildings.
Dipak J. Shah
The potential offered by computer simulation is often not realized: Due to the interaction of system vari- ables, simulation users rarely know how to choose input parameter settings that lead to optimal perfor- mance of a given system.
Michael Wetter
Buoyancy driven flows have always been, and still are, difficult to model using CFD programs. Much validation work is required along with guidelines for the CFD practitioner about how to model such flows.
Malcolm J. Cook, Kevin J. Lomas
The HVAC BESTEST has been developed within the framework of the IEA (International Energy Agency) It is a comparative test method developed for estimating the ability of whole building simulation programs to model the performance of unitary space
Sabine Hayez, Christophe Dalibart, Gilles Guyon, Jean Feburie
We have developed software applications that design HVAC systems (that is, select, locate, and size components and their interconnections)  given building descriptions, user preferences, and built-in rules.
Charles S. Barnaby, Mikhail Shnitman, and William A. Wright
In  this  paper,  the  impact  of  a  veranda  (attached sunspace) on energy consumption is analyzed by numerical simulations (Clim2000 software) for two different configurations : a (existing) residential individual house and a (new) apartment bu
R. Chareille, JJ. Roux, D. Covalet, O. Hartmann
