
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Residential air infiltration rates predicted by a detailed multizone computational model are compared with those predicted by a single-zone model.
Musser A, Yuill G K
This research evaluated the performance of four kinds of ventilation systems for dwellings under various conditions by means of numerical simulation. The total number of combinations of various parameters for the calculation was 174.
Yoshino H, Liu J, Feustel H E, et al
This paper discusses the development and application of standards of performance (SOPs) for HVAC&R equipment, plumbing systems, and building envelope systems in relation to maintaining acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) in buildings. The util
Linder R J, Dorgan C B, Dorgan C E
To remedy comfort problems in a 99,000 fi2 (9,200 m2) office building, the total airflow rate was reduced by 35%, and the total outside airflow was reduced by 86% in four multi-zone air-handling units that serve the office building.
Liu M, Zhu Y, Park B Y, et al
One basic goal of the commissioning process is to make sure that the HVA C system is functioning as intended.
Bearg D W
The age of the air in a room is normally determined either from a pulse response or from a step change response (up or down).
Bonthoux F, Dessagne J M, Aubertin G
This report is from a study of the performance of eight exhaust systems of a large medical center in Tennessee.
Choat E E
A summary of the evaluation of an air flow and contaminant model as part of the IEA-ECBCS Annex 23; Mullizone Airflow Modelling' is presented. Evaluation rather validation, is the goal.
Furbringer J-M, Roulet C-A, Borchiellini R
In the IEA-ECBCS Annex 23 'Multizone Air Flow Modelling,' a sensitivity analysis procedure, that included both the Monte Carlo and Fractional Factorial analyses, was defined to evaluate COMVEN, a multizone air flow code.
Borchiellini R, Furbringer J-M
The multizone airflow simulation program COMIS was evaluated within an International Energy Agency research program.
Roulet C-A, Furbringer J-M, Cretton P
A study of the reliability of systems by considering the ability of different systems to maintain a required air flow rate over time is included in a subtask of IEA Annex 27 'Evaluation and Demonstration of Domestic Ventilation Systems'.
Blomsterberg A, Carlsson T, Svensson C, Kronvall J
Comfort evaluations cover air quality, thermal, visual and acoustic comfort. Today, only few computer programs allow for the integrated evaluation of several or all relevant parameters.
Dorer V, Weber A
Conjunction of Multizone Infiltration Specialists (COMIS) is a model that can be used to simulate air flow and pollutant patterns in a multizone structure.
Dascalaki E, Santamouris M, Bruant M, et al
A number of interzonal models have been developed to calculate air flows and pollutant transport mechanisms in both single and multizone buildings.
Feustel H E
Air speeds at the occupied zone were studied experimentally in seven large railway stations of space volume varying from 540- 9076 m3• The spaces are installed with mechanical ventilation systems and the air supply flow rates are from 0.455-23.67
Chow W K, Wong L T
The Elizabeth Fry Building was conceived as a benchmark environmentally benign project, but the design team was allowed no extra capital to achieve this. Could it be done? David Olivier reports
Olivier D
