
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Surveys on repressurization-induced backdrafting and spillage were conducted in threedifferent areas of the United States using a common protocol, primarily to assess thecorrespondence between short-term tests and one week of continuous monitoring
Grimsrud D T, Hadlich D E, Koontz M D, Hemphill R J, Leslie N P, Li Z, Nagda N L
The study was to test five units used in single house mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery.
Bernard A M, Lemaire M-C, Spennato B, Barles P
This article briefly describes a research program undertaken by the National Institutes of Health Office of Research Services to investigate ventilation performance of different laboratory configurations, and their affect on the hood.
Memarzadeh F
The ventilation engineer's plan at the design stage could be influenced by many factors. It may also be different from the requirements for the final users of the spaces.
Lee H, Awbi H B
In the beginning of 1998 the European project, AIRLESS, was started to develop strategies,principles and protocols to improve and control the petiormance of HVAC-systems and itscomponents for the incorporation in codes and guidelines.
Muller B, Fitzner K, Kuchen V
In this paper, analysis of the ventilation requirements of enclosed vehicular parking facilities is discussed. First, a compilation of existing U.S.
Ayari A, Krarti M
Results are presented from a study of the performance of fuzzy, rule-based algorithms for thecontrol of indoor air quality through combined control of natural and forced ventilationstrategies, whilst simultaneously meeting thermal and visual comfo
Sutherland G, Eftaxias G, Santamouris M, Asimakopoulos D
The air quality in a subway-train was studied to suggest optimal design criteria and operationconditions based on the ventilation demand by passengers. The C02 emitted from thepassengers was the tracer for this study.
Bong C, Kim S, Lee J, Lee H
A secondary analysis of the Dutch prevalence study by Zweers et al shows that office buildingswithout artificial cooling and with operable windows have a lower risk for health symptoms andcomfort complaints than office buildings with artificial co
Kurvers S R, Leyten J L, Boerstra A C
The main objective of this study was to determine the ventilation demand for a gymnasium inthe primary school based on verified metabolic rate.Norwegian guidelines recommend 6.0met as the activity level to be used when calculating the outdoor air
Eian P K, Borresen B A, Oie L, Sorensen B R
In this paper, a zonal model used to predict the air movement, temperature distribution and airquality in a room is presented.
Musy M, Wurtz E, Nataf J-M
In order to evaluate the impact on indoor air quality of different installation and ventilation strategies, the modelling of indoor air pollutant transfer has been developed in the CLIM2000 software (thermal and airflow code).
Parey S
Few detailed comparisons of modeled ad measured pollutant concentrations in multizonebuildings have been published.
Sextro R G, Daisey J M, Feustel H E, Dickerhoff D J, Jump C
The paper presents results from the numerical modelling of the flow field in an existing ventilated office room.
Stankov P, Denev J, Stamov S
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the indoor air quality parameters in a residentialdwelling using information from the field.
Giorgiantoni G, Giuli G
The aim of this research is to apply dynamic Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to predicting the complex turbulent flow field in an air-conditioned room.
He P, Kuwahara R, Mizutani K
The objectives of thisinvestigation were to examine the dynamic water vapour sorption offurnishing materials and to compare the experimental results withpredictions obtained from the Moisture Admittance Model.
Plathner P, Littler J, Stephen R
Temperature and relative humidity have been measured in a BRE test house to investigate the vapour content in the void beneath the timber floor. The void can be ventilated naturally or by means of a fan supplying or extracting air.
Hartless R P, Llewellyn J W
Air flow patterns in rooms can roughly be classified as one of three types: Displacement flow, source flow and mixed flow. Displacement flow in its original meaning is only used in special applications like clean rooms.
Fitzner K, Zeidler O, Kriegel K
New thermodynamic energy "water potential" based on the chemical potential of a component of mixture gases is defined as the driving force of gaseous phase water flux.
Ozaki A
