
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Airborne fungi in indoor air has the possibility to cause the air pollution problems of the fungally infection syndrome and the allergy syndrome, etc. in residence environments.
Moriya Y, Miyaji T, Yamayoshi T
Avariety of gaseous pollutants in indoor air now are becoming an object to control.
Sakamoto K, Fukumuro T, Ishitani O, Kohno H
Air cleaners are unitary devices that contain filtration media and fans. They are marketed for cleaning air in rooms.
Bohanon H R, Nelson P R, Wilson R K
The goal of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of stand-alone modular airpurification systems in improving air quality in dental practices and certain hospital andlaboratory environments.
Erdinger L, Rezvani P, Hammes F, Sonntag H-G
This study is part of an investigation of the decontamination capabilities of indoor plants.Three internationally used species, Howea forsteriana Becc. (Kentia Palm), Dracaenaderemensis Eng.
Wood R A, Orwell R L, Burchett M D
Photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) with short-wavelength UVlight (254 nm) is an attractive technique in the view of perfect mineralization to CO2.
Sekiguchi K, Ishitani O, Sakamoto K
Indoor air quality is decreasing year by year. It is very necessary to find a kind of efficient cleaner to improve the indoor air quality. Two kinds of cleaners were tested. Both of them were made in China. Four simulated chambers were used.
Liu J Z, Pan X C
The role of indoor plants as a source of microorganisms was studied in six office rooms.Concentrations of microorganisms (both fungi and actinomycetes) were determined fromindoor air and settled dust before the plants were placed in the office roo
Rautiala S, Haatainen S, Kallunki H, Kujanpaa L, Laitenen S, Miihkinen A, Reiman M, Seuri M
Formaldehyde (FA) adsorption, including that in the presence of water vapours, has been evaluated on adsorbents of various nature and porous structure.
Chirkova J, Andersons B, Druz N, Andersone I
Indoor and outdoor particle concentrations and ventilation rates were measured versus time ina large office building without tobacco smoking. Periodically, high efficiency filters replacedthe normal filters in air handling systems.
Fisk W J, Faulkner D, Sullivan D P, Mendell M J
As part of an ongoing investigation on service life of air filtration material, a new type of airfiltration material (multi-layered polymer) was compared with a widely used material todetermine growth or survival of micro-organisms after normal du
Kemp P C, Carlsson T, Nickelmann A, Neumeister-Kemp H-G
Emissions from dust collected in air filters have been investigated using in situ and chambermeasurements.
Johansson J H P, Rossell L
Snow has already been used effectively as a cold energy resource in some heavy snowfall areasin Japan.
Iijima K, Kobiyama M, Hanaoka Y, Kawamura M, Toda H
k order to determine the amount of micro-organism present before and after the filters ofHVAC systems, 6 systems in 5 buildings were monitored every 2 weeks for one year.
Hake W, Neumeister-Kemp H G, Kemp P C, Martiny H
This paper presents ozone removal efficiencies, measured over an extended period of time, inthree different settings: a test plenum, an air handler providing outdoor air to a Class 100cleanroom, and a plenum downstream of an air handler providing
Shields H C, Weschler C J, Naik D
It is recommended to keep the ventilation filters dry. However there are manyventilating systems that cannot fulfil this requirement all the time.
Frydenlung F, Haugen E, Kristiansen O, Lysne H N, Ahlen C, Hanssen S O
The cabin air filter performance is of prime importance for the air quality in vehicles. New clean filters were tested but also filters loaded with actual traffic contaminants. Both laboratory and field measurements were included in the study.
Johansson J, Jansson A, Olander L
Forced air furnaces are a common Canadian heating system. Traditionally, filters placed in thecirculating air ductwork were designed to protect the furnace and fans.
Bowser D, Fugler D, Salares V
Ventilation filters composed of electrostatically-charged fibers, also referred to as electret filters,are know to have the potential to decrease in filtration efficiency with use.
Hanley J T, Ensor D S, Foarde K K, Sparks L E
A test rig for long-term tests of activated carbon filters was developed consisting of eight parallel test-filter sections. The test-rig was installed on the roof of a six storey commercial building located in the centre of Goteborg, Sweden.
Ekberg L E, Strindehag O
