
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

With increasing demand for acceptable indoor environment it is necessary, already in theconstruction phase, to estimate what effect different environmental factors have on theoccupants.
Nilsson H, Holmer I, Holmberg S
The objective of this research is to investigate thermal comfort and air flow distribution insidea test room which is naturally ventilated. The test room is ventilated through adjustablelouvers.
Kalogirou S A, Eftekhari M M, Pinnock D J
During the experiments and under the experimental conditions, displacement ventilation with air outlets close to floor level were found to produce the lowest concentrations of hazardous substances and aerosols in the working areas of kitchen appli
Andrejs B, Neumann P, Huber J, Schmeja B
It is the objective of the present paper to investigate indoor environmental characteristics ofan office building with an underfloor air conditioning system.
Han H, Chung K S, Jang K J
Based on concerns about indoor air quality and trends towards tighter envelope construction,there has been increasing interest in mechanical ventilation of residential buildings in the UnitedStates.
Persily A K
In laboratory experiments, we investigated the ability of two task/ambient conditioningsystems with air supplied from desk-mounted air outlets to efficiently ventilate the breathingzone of heated manikins seated at desks.
Faulkner D, Fisk W J, Sullivan D P, Wyon D P
During the last decade, an increasing interest in Underfloor Air-Conditioning (UFAC) systems has emerged. This is due mainly to an increased demand from employees for a greater control over their working environment.
Chung K-S, Han H-T, Cho C-G, Kong S-H, Cho M-K
Three very different task/ambient conditioning (TAC) systems were investigated in a climate chamber.
Tsuzuki K, Arens E A, Bauman F S, Wyon D P
With a diameter of 320m, and a height of 50m the Millennium Dome is one of the World's largest enclosed spaces, probably the largest among those intended for public use.
Cripps A J, McLaughlin T, Carmichael K
The paper presents the results of the tests of two-zone airflow pattern forming in a room with displacement ventilation where various heat sources and various airflow rates were tested.
Trzeciakiewicz Z, Popiolek Z, Mierzwinski S
This presentation deals with the problem of achieving stable microclimate in old buildings ofSt Petersburg - such as churches, museums and palaces.
Korkin V D
In apartments of Korea, exhaust-only hood system is commonly installed for kitchen ventilation.
Roh J W, Kim J T
As a result of the recent resurgence in tuberculosis incidence, there has been increased interestin using ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) of room air to reduce exposures toinfectious agents.
Xu P, Miller S L
Air recirculation in the new office and laboratory building of the Norwegian Institute for AirResearch was discovered and characterised from a leaking sulphur hexafluoride cylinderstored in the garage.
Rydock J P
The performance of a hybrid air-conditioning system which utilises wind-induced cross ventilation is investigated.
Kato S, Murakami S, Chang H, Chikamoto T, Kim T
A general trend in intelligent buildings is the decentralization of environmental controlsystems. Decentralized environmental control systems have many advantages over centralizedsystems.
Jeong K-B, Kim J-J
Models are presented for describing the performance of room air cleaners in removing pollutants from indoor air, particularly the levels of removal that can be achieved in practice.
Brown S K
The fractional collection efficiency (FCE) tests of a commercially available two-stageelectrostatic precipitator (ESP) have been performed for six flow rates.
Agranovski V, Morawska L, Ristovski Z, Jamriska M
A number of studies have shown that approximately 1 in 10 hospital in-patients will acquire a nosocomial infection (NI) '*).These infections are associated with significant mortality rates, and have a large economic impact on health care systems.
Beggs C B, Sleigh P A, Donnelly J K, Kerr K G, Mara D D
As a result of the recent resurgence in tuberculosis (TB), there has been renewed interest inengineering controls to reduce the spread of TB and other airborne infectious diseases in highrisk settings.
Miller S L, Xu P, Peccia J, Fabian P, Hernandez M
