
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Commercial cooking equipment exhaust systems have a significant impact on the total energy consumption of Foodservice facilities.
Smith V A, Frey P E D, Nicoulin C V
A new type of residence (the SEA house) has been proposed in winter, the house is heated by solar energy.
Zhang Q, Ishihara O, Hayashi T
This paper summarizes recent developments in natural and passive cooling in buildings and the main results from the European research project P ASCOOL.
Santamouris M, Argiriou A, Balaras A
The main source of humidity in office buildings is the human occupant. Moisture is therefore a result of heat transmission from the person to the room air.
Steimle F
The design of low-energy office buildings requires specific attention to an energy efficient concept for providing good indoor air quality conditions.
Wouters P, Ducarme D, Martin S, Demeester J, Schietecat J, Schouwenaars S
The main goal of IEA Annex 27 "Evaluation of ventilation systems" is to develop tools toevaluate ventilation systems in an objective way in terms of indoor air quality, energy,comfort, noise, life cycle costs, reliability and other building relate
Op t Veld P J M, de Gids W F
A method for estimating the reliability of mechanical ventilation systems in dwellings hasbeen developed. The analysis is based on component level reliability models interconnectedby so called fault-tree schemes.
Ruud S H, Kronvall J
In this paper the energy impact of natural cross ventilation is examined conducting a set of crossventilation experiments in a well insulated apartment of a 5-storey building.
Koinakis C, Papamanolis N
This research is part of project NATVENT (TM), a concerted action of nine institutions ofseven European countries under the Joule-3 program.
Liem S H, van Paassen A H C
The year-round climate of Taiwan is warm and humid. Apart from the hottest months in summer, there are four months suitable for nocturnal ventilation to acquire indoor cooling.
Chao N-T, Wang W A, Chiang C M
This paper discusses summer cooling of buildings by means of natural ventilation. Computational fluid dynamics is used to predict the ventilation rate in a room with a Trombe wall.
Gan G
The paper outlines the value of roof intake air ducts to serve largely passively ventilatedand cooled buildings in urban areas.
Gage S A
One of the first sorption-supported air-conditioning systems ("Desiccative Evaporative Cooling Systems") in an industrial building in Germany was installed in a printing office in Waiblingen, a town in southern Germany.
Mertz G
Continuously rising energy costs, the demand for reduction of CO2-emission and theprohibition of CFC-containing refrigerants create a base for new concepts of air-conditioning(A/C) systems.
Steimle F, Biel S, Roeben J
This study aimed to research the airtightness of the building envelope in apartments before and after renovation. Measurements were carried out in three apartment buildings. One to four apartments were examined in each building.
Kovanen K, Sateri J
Although several investigations on how to design airtight buildings have been performedand the results furthermore have been published, many designers and contractors are stillunaware of this knowledge.
Adalberth K
A model for the application of probabilistic methods is the estimation of heat loss caused by convection and heat conduction through the material is developed.
Pietrzyk K, Handa K
In the framework of the Flemish Impulse Programme on Energy Technology (VLIET), the project called SENVIVV is running from January 1995 till September 1997.
Wouters P, Bossaer A, Demeester J, Ducarme D, Vandermarcke B, Vangroenweghe W
Testing was performed in 9 restaurants to identify uncontrolled air flows and pressureimbalances, building and duct system airtightness, building air barrier location, pressuredifferentials, building air flow balance, and ventilation rates.
Cummings J B, Withers C R, Shirey D B
