
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Checking models of thermal behaviour or ventilation of a room can be performed in specialtest cells. At EMPA a ventilation test chamber with several experimental facilities has beendesigned and built.
Weber A, Ruegg T, Schaelin A
Air flow through doors, windows and other large openings constitutes a major factor inbuilding ventilation.
Papamanolis N, Santamouris M, Dascalaki E, Argiriou A, Asimakopoulos D N
The air flow in a Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) tower has been modelled using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code.
Mansour M A, Cook M J, Taki A H, Lomas K J
This investigation is part of project NATVENT TM, a concerted action of nine institutions of seven European countries under the Joule-3 program.
van Paassen A H C, Liem S H, Groninger B P
Perceived barriers restricting the implementation of natural or simple fan assisted ventilationsystems in the design of new office type buildings and in the refurbishment of existing suchbuildings have been identified in seven central and north Eu
Aggerholm S
This paper presents the results from the monitoring of a low energy building, namely, the Portland Building University of Portsmouth - UK) during February and July 1997.
Azzi D, Virk G S
Trouble shooting air distribution problems in mechanically ventilated offices often has to be carriedout in limited "after hours" periods.
Bassett M R
This paper gives an overview of duct leakage issues in Europe. A literature review indicates alack of ductwork air tightness measurement data in the member states.
Carrie F R, Wouters P, Ducarme D, Andersson J, Faysse J C, Chaffois P, Kilberger M, Patriarca V
ATEOUE is a French working group created in June 1993 by the Ministry of Housing in order to harmonise and to facilitate the develop merit of tools concerning the improvement of building environmental quality (assessment methods, books of specific
Olive G, Nibel S
The LCA methodology [SETAC] is applied to buildings. The system limits, functional units and allocation principles are explained. Inventories have been established for 150 buildings materials and linked to the ECOINVENT database.
Kohler N, Klingele M, Heitz S, et al
The goal of sustainable development will be impossible to achieve without realignment of value creation by business arid the public sector. The environmental impacts of building activities are serious.
Fossdal S, Holm F H
Environmental assessment of building elements and buildings requires environmental data related to the entire life cycle of the materials, inventory tools and assessment models for environmental impacts important to buildings.
Krogh H, Hansen K
How should environmental profiles be used for construction materials? An environmental profile is a graphical presentation of environmental burdens. The concept may be used to present the results from a number of different stages within an LCA.
Edwards S
The EQuity model is a Life Cycle Assessment-based tool aimed at evaluating and improving building products Environmental Quality aspects.
Le Teno J F
In many cases, it is possible to achieve a satisfactory comfort in summer in residential buildings with purely passive means (thermal inertia, solar protection, night ventilation).
Millet J R
The paper describes a pilot-study set up to identify links between internal environmental quality and perceived well-being in a 1970's higher educational building housing the Mackintosh School of Architecture.
Kilmartin L F, Porteous C D A
Health complaints related to indoor air quality are increasingly common. Hence, it is well known that environmental factors act on the emergence of certain illnesses.
Kirchner S, Derangere D, Riberon J, et al
This paper describes the measured and calculated results of air humidity and profiles of tracer gas in a residential apartment in Taipei city, Taiwan. A complete multizone indoor air quality model was used to evaluate the test results.
Chung K C, Wang W A, Chiang C M
Indoor Air Quality analysis needs at first an accurate prediction of indoor pollutant concentration levels. However, most of pollutant concentration prediction models consider the pollutants as passive elements.
Blondeau P, Sperandio M, Allard F, Haghighat F
