
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A difficulty when designing natural ventilation in office buildings is the lack of simple designtools.In order to be able to predict natural ventilation air flow rates and indoor air temperatures atthe design stage, a computer model has been devel
Svensson C, Aggerholm S
We examine conditions under which the natural forces of wind and buoyancy may beharnessed in order to provide ventilation for cooling.
Hunt G R, Linden P F
Four types of heat-pipe heat recovery systems were tested for application in passive stackventilation. The effects of fin shape, pipe arrangement and air velocity on the heat recoveryeffectiveness were investigated.
Riffat S B, Gan G, Shao L, Siren K, Oliveira A, Afonso C, Kofoed P
An extensive experimental program on single sided natural ventilation was carried out within the frame of PASCOOL EC research project.
Dascalaki E, Santamouris M
The concept of 'build tight - ventilate right' requires minimising air infiltration through theenvelope of a building and then providing adequate ventilation in a controlled manner tosatisfy the fresh air requirements of occupants.
Perera MDAES, Henderson J, Webb B C
NiteCool was developed under the Energy Related Environmental Issues in Buildings(EnREI) DOE Programme and is designed especially for the assessment of a range of nightcooling ventilation strategies.
Kolokotroni M, Tindale A, Irving S J
Solar control devices placed in front of large building openings disturb air flow and theradiation transfer.
Tsangrassoulis A, Santamouris M, Asimakopoulos D
Temperature and cooling demand in a room summertime are influenced by numerous factors,like internal gains, ventilation, solar gain, behaviour of occupants, thermal inertia of the roomand outdoor conditions (climate).The thermal environment and co
Dokka T-H, Dokka B H
Within the EU project NATVENT, which deals with the application of natural ventilation in office type buildings, one of the items to be studied was controlled air flow inlets.
De Gids W F
This paper identifies the significance of pollution at five sites amongst the worst on the British mainland hence indicative of other polluted areas within Europe. Three sites are located in London and one each in Birmingham and Cardiff.
Ajiboye P, Hesketh M, Willan P
There are certain conditions which are of interest when designing for natural ventilation ofcommercial buildings.
Etheridge D W, Riffat S B
The performances of self regulating natural ventilation devices (devices of which the openingsection varies as function of the pressure difference across the device) strongly depend on thetype of building and its leakage characteristics.
Wouters P, Ducarme D, Renson P, Lernout W
This paper considers the role of passive stack chimneys in controlling indoor thermalconditions in the vernmlar houses on the volcanic island of Santorini .
Tsikouris K, Young A
As everybody knows, today the air quality of an indoor environment may have several effectson our health; the beginning of serious breathing pathologies and of some forms of cancer,are with no doubt due to the presence of polluting and extremely n
Cavanna G, Fantucci A, Galimberti V, Varone G
Natural passive stack ventilation (PSV) consumes no power and so produces no harmfulemissions, has no running cost, no noise of operation, requires little maintenance and becauseit involves no moving parts, operation is reliable.
Siren K, Riffat S, Afonso C, Oliveira A, Kofoed P
Costs are one of the main decision factors for the selection of domestic ventilation systems.This often leads to a ventilation system that just meets the requirements of buildingregulations at the lowest initial costs.
Op t Veld P, Liebregts M, Persoon J
The IEA project Annex 27, Evaluation and Demonstration of Domestic Ventilation Systems,have come to the stage that simplified tools can be presented in a total scheme.
Mansson L-G
Many post-war residential buildings in the Netherlands have collective heating systems with poor energy efficiency. Also ventilation and DHW systems usually do not comply with current requirements.
Op't Veld P
Due to the lack of proper sensors for odours, the odour concept, involving the unitsolf and decipol, is of very little practical use with respect to automatic control of VAVsystems.
Sorensen B R
This study reports on the introduction of air infiltration and mechanical ventilationin a model for energy consumption estimation. The model applies to air conditionned nonresidential building and is developped to need few inputs.
Morisot O, Marchio D, Orphelin M
