
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper presents a calibration methodology using only two to four weeks of hourly monitored and monthly utility records.
Veronica I. Soebarto
Computation of sound propagation in enclosed spaces is needed for a variety of purposes such as noise exposure in industrial spaces, acoustic privacy conditions in open-plan office settings, and speech intelligibility in auditoriums.
A. Mahdavi, G. Liu, M. E. Ilal
CA-SIS software has been developed on PC as a tool for engineering offices in their Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning studies.
L. Tabary
COMIS 3.0 is a new simulation environment developed in the framework of IEA/ECB Annex 23. To our knowledge this is the first time that one of the Annexes of IEA/ECB produces as its main result a validated software not only designed for research la
Roger Y. Pelletret, Werner P. Keilholz
Collaborative building engineering is a team effort in which many elements have to be combined into a unified structure. The aims of the architect, the engineer and all the other players have to merge into a seamless design process.
Godfried Augenbroe and Sten de Wit
Reliable sky luminance models are considered to be conditio sine qua non for accurate computational simulation of daylight distribution in architectural spaces. Toward this end, the paper compares six sky models specifically with regard to their a
K.P. Lam, A. Mahdavi, M.B. Ullah, E. Ng, V. Pal
The lighting simulation programme Radiance is used to predict daylight factors and the illuminance distribution in a room which is 12m x 12m x 3.6m high, with grey tinted solar control glazing.
Dave Jarvis, Mike Donn
A case study is used to introduce a two-step thermal demand calculation for buildings in order to take thermal bridges into consideration.
Romam Rabenseifer
A simulation software focused on HVAC energy consumption in large supermarkets, called Clim Top, has been recently developed in France.
M. Orphelin & D. Marchio
A controller for heating systems is normally equipped with many facilities to make it flexible and the heating system more cost-efficient. This results in a number of input parameters to be given by the user.
Niclas Björsell
In this paper, a new method of direct run - time coupling between building energy simulation and global illuminance simulation is outlined and discussed.
Milan Janak
This paper describes the use of daylight coefficients in a computer tool which is based in Monte Carlo backward ray tracing merthod and was developed under the frame of DAYLIGHT- Europe EC Project.
Aris Tsangrassoulis and Mat Santamouris
Many building simulation computer programs, originally developed on mainframe computers for research purposes, can now run on the powerful workstation and personal computers that are available to most architectural and engineering firms.
Konstantinos Papamichael, John La Porta & Hannah Chauvet
Life-cycle design of air conditioning systems requires that plant should be capable of maintaining zone comfort conditions within specified limits, while minimising capital and operating costs.
P.G. Marshallsay and R.E. Luxton
Epidemiological evidence suggests that mould infestation in buildings can have serious health implications for the occupants.
Clarke J A, Johnstone C M, Kelly N J, McLean R C, Nakhi A E
A method to evaluate the energy demand for lighting on an hourly basis is presented. The method is based on a raytracer and a dynamic modelling of the sky’s luminance distribution.
Sebastian Herkel
This paper describes the simulation of electric storage heaters and their controls. A method for modelling manual control, inferred from transformer readings, is described.
Andrew J Wright
A large office building has been the object of a detailed feasibility study in order to select the most effective actions for energy saving in space cooling. Actions concerning the modification of building envelope layout, including materials, sha
Marco Beccali, Roberto Caponio, Susanna Gara
A major barrier to using energy simulation tools during the design process of a building has been the difficulty of using the available programs.
J. Douglas Balcomb
