
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The simulated cooling plant equips an office building whose maximum cooling demand is about 5 MW.
Jean-Pascal Bourdouxhe, Philippe André
The majority of design studies on naturally ventilated that wind power is expected to provide a significant or mechanically ventilated buildings do not take component of the motive force for the ventilation account of the close relationship betwee
Michael J. Holmes & Sara McGowan
The conception of complex buildings with innovative facade elements often demands dynamic building simulations. In some cases the required thermal parameters of the components must be obtained by experimental investigations.
Olaf Gutschker and Harald Rogaß
The effectiveness of simple shading devices in reducing the direct, diffuse and ground reflected components of solar radiation has been measured and compared to simulation predictions of the same. The simulation results were found to be very sensi
D.K.Alexander, K.A.Ku Hassan, P.J.Jones
A simulation program VENTOLA was developed to study behaviour of the microclimatic situation inside buildings housing domestic animals.
Pavel Kic, Roberto Chiumenti, Stefano Bortolussi, Francesco da Borso
The XCEED™ software tool allows engineers to create textual, mathematical and graphical descriptions of compressed air systems including, but not limited to, compressors, filters, dryers, storage vessels, cooling equipment, piping and utilization
Keith L. Curtner, Patrick J. O’Neill, Don Winter, Paul Bursch
SOMBRERO, a PC-program running under the operating system WindowsTM, calculates the proportion of shaded area of an arbitrarily oriented surface surrounded by shading elements as a function of time and location.
J. Schnieders, A. Eicker, F.D. Heidt
A series of linked spreadsheets has been developed for the analysis and modeling of thermal and daylighting effects on the flow of energy in buildings.
David Lord
The traditionally engineering-oriented approach to thermal building simulations tends to leave such analysis tools out of the reach of general design practitioners, especially during the early stages of building design when many of the most influe
Margit Rudy
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) provide an environment of interoperability among IFC-compliant software applications in the architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management (AEC/FM) industry.
Vladimir Bazjanac, Drury B. Crawley
This paper investigates the implications of the selection of various sky luminance distribution models for the computational prediction of daylight distribution in architectural spaces.
K.P. Lam, A. Mahdavi, V. Pal
A new generation building simulation tool combines the most important inter-acting physical processes (air infiltration and ventilation, heat transfer, and indoor air quality) in an reliable, effective, and flexible way.
Pekka Tuomaala, Kalevi Piira, Mika Vuolle
The methods for evaluating the thermal performance of each insulation detail alternative with the multidimensional heat transfer simulation are presented to determine the optimal insulation details of the thermal bridges adjacent to hot water pipe
Seung Yeong Song & Kwang Woo Kim
Central to the formulation of a mathematical model to describe moisture transport through porous building materials is the initial choice of the flow driving potentials.
Graham H Galbraith, R Craig McLean, Jiansong Guo
This paper describes a recent extension to the ESPr system concerned with the simulation of facade and roof-integrated photovoltaic modules.
Clarke J A, Johnstone C, Kelly N and Strachan P A
In this study, the thermal performance of the external envelope of existing residential buildings in Istanbul and energy efficient retrofitting of these buildings are being investigated and modelled by MICRO DOE-2.1E.
Aslihan Tavil, Nil Sahal, Ertan Özkan
The purpose of this paper is to present a new method to energy analysis. The method consist three different phases: in the first phase the target values of energy consumption are determined.
Risto Kosonen & Jari Shemeikka
This paper describes the methodology used in a simulation process that pretend to compare predicted and measured values.
Helder P. Gonçalves, Marta N. Oliveira & Anita M. Patrício
The numerical model for verification of various radon protective measures has been developed. This model is based on the partial differencial equation for the two-dimensional steady-state radon transport caused by diffusion and convection.
Martin Jiranek & Zbynek Svoboda
This paper explores a simulation-assisted building control strategy.
Ardeshir Mahdavi
