
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The paper presents an interactive on-line package for calculation of energy and cost demands for residential infiltration and ventilation, with input and output data entry through a web browser. This is a unique tool.
Teresa Forowicz
The paper presents the results from a numerical and experimental investigation of the velocity distribution in a ventilated industrial hall in the nuclear power plant in Bulgaria.
Jordan Denev, Peter Stankov, Dimiter Stoyanov and Pavel Spassov
The paper deals with the CFD (computational fluid dynamics) application to the comfort optimization of some complex architectural projects in which the physical interaction effects between the building and its environment affect strongly the build
Blazej Ochocinski
This paper is concerned with the optimisation of some design criteria for water based active solar space heating systems intended for residential applications in Cyprus.
I. M. Michaelides, D. R. Wilson
This is the first of two papers that describe the development of simulation methods for optimally controlled central plant equipment which have been implemented in the IBLAST (Integrated Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics) building
Russell D. Taylor and Curtis O. Pedersen
This is the second of two papers that describe the development of simulation methods for optimally controlled central plant equipment in IBLAST (Integrated Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics).
Russell D. Taylor and Curtis O. Pedersen
General models for heat and mass transfer components have been developed for use in TRNSYS [1] thermal system simulations.
R. J. Rabehl, W. A. Beckman, J. W. Mitchell
Modelling and simulation play a number of roles in engineering design studies. For Gaz de France, these studies must satisfy exacting criteria of quality and rapidity.
Alexandre Jeandel, Fabrice Boudaud
This paper describes a series of tests that were performed to determine whether a neural-network model could outperform a correlation-based model in representing foundation heat losses.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Moncef Krarti
An extensive experimental program on single sided natural ventilation was  carried  out  within the frame of PASCOOL EC research project.
Mat Santamouris, Elena Dascalaki
Hollow core ventilated slab systems provide an effective means of utilizing the building structure as a thermal store.
M J Ren & J A Wright
Thermal storage tanks are widely used in Japan mainly to shift electrical energy usage to night time for the purpose of peak demand reduction. However, the operation of the system has not often been accepted with satisfaction in a real field.
Harunori Yoshida & Tatsuo Inooka
By describing three recent case-studies, this paper aims to elaborate the current state of building energy modelling and simulation in the Czech Republic in general, and at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague in particular.
F. Drkal, T. Dunovská, M. Neuzil, V. Skrlant
We show here the actual state of a project based on n object-oriented philosophy, MotorLab.
Gilles Lefebvre, Elena Palomo, Maria del Mar Izquierdo
Within the framework of the validation methodology of our computer software CLIM2000, we asked 12 users to do the same validation exercise (prediction of energy consumption of a residential house) in order to evaluate the influence of the model us
Gilles Guyon
The  traditional  round  hut  has  been  analysed  by simulating the sensitivity of its different components in order to establish their relative performance.
Albert Malama and Steve Sharples
The need for a decrease in the energy consumption of buildings implies an adequate understanding of control strategies. This requires an intensive use of simulation tools for the design and test of controllers of HVAC equipment.
A. Husaunndee, R. Lahrech, H. Vaezi-Nejad, J.C. Visier
A simplified heat transfer calculation method for underground buildings is developed. The method is based on the results from the ITPE method and is suitable for seasonal heat loss calculation.
Sangho Choi & Moncef Krarti
The control strategy of the thermal storage HVAC system gives a large effect to the storage efficiency which dominates the tank volume to a great extent. Authors introduce how the temperature distribution of the tank varies and gives a considerabl
Nobuo Nakahara, Mingjie Zheng and Yoshihiko Nishitani
The research we develop consists in evaluating "radiative comfort" during no heating periods in dwelling space and particularly in office buildings. The expression "radiative comfort" is used to characterize the thermal and visual component of the
P. Laforgue, B. Souyri, M. Fontoynont, G. Achard
