
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

InteSys Limited has developed a new dynamic simulation model for buildings, which emerges by itself as it receives the data or signals from the building under consideration.
Jankovic L.
The EPRI LightPAD program is a simple but powerful lighting audit and analysis tool for assessing installed lighting systems and proposing cost-effective, energy-efficient retrofit alternatives.
Hart G. Kimball, Johnson Karl. F., Mcdougall Tom
An important aspect of the Texas LoanSTAR program has been the development of public domain software. These software are now available.   
Haberl Jeff S., Claridge David, Sparks Robert, Kissock Kelly
We used the MOIST Computer Model to conduct a detailed analysis of the moisture performance of one wall typical of current construction practice in manufáctured housing, and mo new altemative wall designs with potential for better moisture perform
Burch Douglas M., Wolde Anton Ten
The ability to integrate a range of disparate design tools has been an area of intense research throughout the world.
Amor Robert, Hosking John
Introduced in late 1993, MarketManager for Windows (MMWIN) is a productivity tool designed to meet the energy analysis needs of Utility DSM departments and of Performance Contractors.
Sonderegger Robert C.
DOE-2 is arguably the most complex and comprehensive building energy simulation program available. However, not even DOE-2 addresses ali situations encountered in commercial office buildings.
Steele Tim
The Centre Scientifique, et Technique du Bâtiment and Gaz-de-France carried out a comprehensive study for providing professionals with dimensioning rules for hot water floor heating systems. 
Caccavelli D., Bedouani B., Baude J.
The current models of boilers and furnaces which are used in HVAC system simulation programs are primarily concerned with calculating the heat output of the device and its fuel consumption.
Hanby V. I., Li G.
The impact of central forced-air heating and cooling system modifications on the levels of selected pollutants in single-family houses was evaluated by simulating pollutant concentrations due to a variety of sources in eight houses with typical HV
Emmerich Steven J., Persily Andrew K.
An Anglo-French collaborative project is presently under way with the dual purpose : a) to collect high quality data sets for the empirical validation of thermal simulation programs of buildings and b) to develop and test advanced data analysis te
Dalicieux P., Candau Y., Bloomfield D., Delille S.
The aim of this study is to form the basis of a further analysis on night ventilation for cooling purposes in modern Swedish office buildings.
Ren Janet X., Dalenbäck Jan-Olof
During the recent years a lot of models describing air flows in buildings have been designed by Researchers. These models, which are based more or less on simplified approaches coming from fluid dynamics, share a high complexity level because of c
Depecker D., Virgone J., Rusaouën G.
This paper gives an overview and examples of varíous approaches to system simulation in buildings. Advantages and disadvantages of the different methods with respect to problems commonly encountered in building performance evaluation are described
Hensen Jan
Modern, Message-Based operating systems with Graphic User Interfáces have spurred tremendous advances in software development.
Sonderegger Robert C.
In this paper a new procedure of determining the thermal resistance and the thermal capacity of multilayer walls is described. Its feature is the simulation of the thermal behaviour of the wall with subsequent parameter identification.
Gutschker Olaf, Rogab Harald, Donath Andreas
PowerDOE, a new, PC-based building energy performance simulation tool, combines the full capabilities of DOE-2.IE with an easy-to-use, flexible WindowsTM graphical user interfáce (GUI).
Buhl W. F., Winkelmann F. C., Hirsch J. J., Ellington, K. L.
As introduced in a paper in Building Simulation '93, the training of users; of simulation based thermal performance assessment tools is central to the efficacy of such tools within professional practice.
Hand J. W., Hensen, J. L. M.
This paper discusses a model for integrating a rigorous thermal simulation with computational reasoning. This model is used to build an intelligent computer-aided system that assists designers throughout the design process.
Malkawi Ali M.
Simulation of dynamic moisture transport processes in building structures under varying conditions re- the solution of the partial differential equations of coupled moisture and heat transport. Our research focuses on the moisture transport equati
Tumbuan E. H., Augenbroe G. L. M.
