
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

PowerDOE a new, PC-based building energy performance simulation tool, combines the full capabilities of DOE-2.IE with an easy-to-use, flexible WindowSTMgraphical user interface (GUI). PowerDOE is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Department
Buhl W. F., Winkelmann F. C.; Hirsch J. J., Ellington K. L.
The paper describes a component-based dynamic simulation of a variable air volume (VAV) air conditioning system. The model is based closely on the design of one floor of a real commercial office building in London.
Haves Philip
As part of a new Federal program to promote energy efficient retrofit of commercial buildings, voluntary private-sector partners evaluate potential envelope retrofits for their buildings.
Crawley Drury B.
There is a continuing need to validate detailed thermal simulation programs of buildings. One way of doing this is to compare program predictions with measured building performance data. This is known as empirical validation.
Iomas Kevin J., Eppel Herbert
The potential of the different passive cooling strategies for popular residential buildings in Israel is evaluated using a simplified simulation program.
Hassid S.
The main purpose of this paper is to develop fault detection modules for BEMS (Building Energy Management Systems), a software to aid building operators in detecting and diagnosing faults in HVAC systems.
Dumitru Ruxandra, Marchio Dominique
The Neutral Model Format for building simulation was proposed in 1989 as a means for documentation and exchange of models.
Kolsaker Kjell, Sahlin Per; Bring Axel
In computer simulation, accurate modelling of air conditioning equipment is important in the studies of dynamic plant performance, for instance in the selection process of a plant control scherne, in the investigation of plant energy consumptions,
Chow T. T.
The Research and Development Division at Gaz de France assesses; and improves building heating and cooling equipment by both experimental and modelling/simulation approaches.
Jeandel Alexandre, Lefebvre Gilles, Nataf Jean-Michel, Oulefki Abdelhakim
A methodology is presented for creating models which are suitable for use in fault detection and diagnosis schernes in applications where it is impossible to obtain data from the actual plant.
Dexter Arthur L., Benouarets Mourad
This study was carried out on a real site gymnasium situated in the center of France. The building is equipped with two remarkable energy saving systems; running together: a ventilated roof and an air-earth exchanger. 
Trombe A., Serres L.
Examples on application of system simulation in preplanning, sizing and comissioning of HVAC systems are briefly given and typical obstacles for a more broader utilization in engineering offices are introduced.
Bauer Michael, Madjidi Madjid
This paper discusses development of a library of equation-based models for building HVAC system simulation.
Sowell Eduard F., Moshier Michael A.
IDA is a flexible, object-oriented, environment for simulation of buildings and their subsystems. The key features of the system are summarized. Available IDA literature is listed. 
Sahlin Per, Bring Axel, Eriksson Lars, Hermansson Harald
Electric and hydronic baseboard heating systems rely on natural-convection-driven air motion to distribute energy throughout a space to maintain thermal comfort. For electric baseboard heating systems employing an on/off control scherne, the room
Krafthefer Brian, Shah Dipak J., Schultz Ken
Most currently available hourly energy analysis programs utilize separate and sequential simulations of the building, air handling systems, and primary energy plants.
Taylor Russell D., Pedersen Curtis O., Metcalf Ralph R., Liesen Richard J.
There are two almost orthogonal aspects that need to be considered when looking at the use of design tools by the profession, the integration of the design tools "around" the product being designed and the integration of the tools "into" the proce
Randal Damian Mac
Software packages form an integral part of the practices of most building design professionals today. Studies in the UK show that CAD is used in 81% of architectural practices.
Monaghan Paul F., Flynn Jim, Mellotte Marc
Conventional control schernes for air condítioning systems are in lack of the capabilities to adapt to a changing enviroranent and to optimize against given criteria.
Lam H. N.
