
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper explores three significant software development requirements for making the transitionfrom standalone lighting simulation/analysis tools to simulation-based design aid tools.
Hitchcock Robert J.
Air velocity and air temperature are, in large glazed spaces, very heterogeneous and time dependant.
Lefeuvre M., Groleau, D., Marenne C.
Within the framework of an Anglo-French validation project funded by EDF and the BRE, a building model has been tested using an error analysis method. The first step enabled the identification of the different discrepancy sources.
Tabary L., Ramdani N.
In order to improve upon previous calibration techniques, this paper presents new calibration methodsincluding a temperature bin analysis to improve hourly x-y scatter plots, a 24-hour weatherdaytype bin analysis to allow for the evaluation of hou
Haberl Jeff S., Bou-Saada Tarek E.
This paper presents an integrated approach for the energy saving, control optimization and BEMS/BMSapplication of centralized air conditioning systems.
Burnett John, Wang Shengwei
This paper discusses a detailed building energy simulation model that has been made available to thebuilding designer through a graphic user interface.
Degelman Larry O., Soebarto Veronica I.
Analytical solutions to the heat flow equation in a dynamic insulation is presented. A numerical least:squares method, called the gradient method, to estimate the steady state and transient air flow through a dynamic insulation is presented.
Wallentém Petter
Comprehensive studies of the energy saving potential for buildings will often not be performed in a design phase - especially not for renovation projects.
Jensen Soren Ostergaard, Wittchen Kim B., Thomsen Kirsten Engelund
New software (BASECALCTM) has been created for modelling heat losses from residential basements and slabs-on-grade.
Beausoleil-Morrison Ian, Mitalas Gintas, Mclarnon Cathy
This paper presents some results of the development and application work of the Building Equipmentsection at EMPA related to integrated building and HVAC simulation environments.
Zweifel G., Dorer V., Koschenz M., Weber A.
A new approach for computer-aided thermal analysis of buildings is presented. It is based on an electronic book "Building Thermal Analysis" which operates in a mathematical programmingenvironment (Mathcad).
Athienitis Andreas K.
Even at the beginning of the concept and planning phase for low energy buildings co-operation between architect and different engineers is, mandatory.
Schuler Matthias
Three energy analysis programs (BESA-Desian, PC-BLAST and MICRO-DOE2. 1 D) were used by threeresearchers to evaluate the energy and cost savings in a larae existing office building located in Montreal.
Zmeureanu Radu, Pasqualetto Lora, Bilas Frederic
This paper presents; the evaluation, of the impact of a CO2-based DCV system, which was performed bycomputer simulation.
Zmeureanu Radu, Haghighat Fariborz
"Bioclimatic Architecture" offers adequate inner thermal comfort for human use, while, responding to the climatic outdoor conditions with reduced heating and cooling loads. This demand. asks for prediction.
Tuschinski Melita G.
CONTAM94 is an easily used, public domain airflow and contaminant migration analysis program.combining algorithms for modeling airflow and contaminant dispersal in multizone buildings.
Walton George N.
Data for convective heat transfer coefficients (CHTC's) published in the literature tend to be for anisolated heated vertical plate, with few data based on measurements at room surfaces Accurate values of CHTC's for internal room surfaces are need
Hatton A., Awbi H. B.
This paper describes research related to the New Zealand Building Code. It reports a survey ofinternational approaches to building energy performance regulation.
Isaacs Nigel, Donn Michael, Lee Jacky, Bannister Paul
 TRNSYS is a modular transient system simulation program that has been commercially available since  1975. The primary use of TRNSYS is to model  thermal energy systems.
Blair N. J., Mitchell J. W., Beckman W. A.
Two main modelisation techniques are the analytic and systemic methods. After a presentation of  each method applied to building simulation, this paper emphases the benefit of systemic modelisation for  multizone cases.
Boyer Harry, Garde François, Brau Jean, Lauret Alfred
